What the resl problem is in my opionion is:
1. Instead of trying to find solutiions to the issues fscing the nation, BOTH sides like the talking points they bring and the value with bringing in votes. As voters, we are at fault for allowing our Nation to go down hill.
Im talking about reasonable results from our Elect with dealing with the serious isdues we face. The number one issue that I have seen is "Will I be able to afford to support my family, pay for my childs education, and will my money run out before I die?" Since 1982 when I casted my 1st vote, that election issue is still unsolved.
2. Our Government is a Republic, not Democracy. This means we have certain rules that cant be discarded due to majority rule. In our case it is the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our beliefs out lined in the Declaration of Independance. The Government SERVES the people by handling the operationd of government and national concerns following the rule of law, wich shall not violate the rights defined in the Constitutiin and Bill Of Rights.
3. There us way too much abserdity with the fundimentals like Education, Foreign Policy, and Domestic Policy.
We have allowed the BS to grow to the levels we have now by overlooking the obvious and using the polling station to select the better of the two evils instead of a person that can deliver a resonable result. Can you believe how easily fooled and gulible people are to the empty promises of a Politition? Especially when the focus is taken away from the ability of a canidate due to popularity.
4. Empty words, excuses, and the finger pointing do little so solve problens and is a diservice to the peopke they represent.
We better wake up, and fast.