Don't knock the mexican drivers!!


Veteran Expediter
We should not allow our emotions to get in the way of what really needs to be done here. Look, Mexican drivers are only doing the same thing that any one of us would do to support our families. They're not as savvy as most of us are here in the United States. Which is to say, they need to be told that the corporations are not their friends! They need to be made aware that they are simply being taken advantage of by the big trucking companies!

Come on now, it's not like Mexican drivers are intentionally trying to undermine our livelyhoods. It is of my opinion that they will eventually begin to grumble about the harsh working conditions that they are forced to operate under, the dillapidated equipment that endangers their safety as well as the safety of others around them, and the sub-human low wages that they are forced to accept "which are mere scraps that fall from the fat capitalists table!" Now this being said; the corpoations won't be able to hold the Mexican's down indefinitely!

So, the question that one must ask is, how can we speed up this process? How can we show them that there is more to America than cheap wages and corporate dictatorship? And by doing so, convince the Mexican drivers to unite with us in a massive effort to bring the major trucking companies to thier knees!

Yes, we need to do exactly what I said; get the Mexican drivers to rebel against the corporations! We need another Pullman strike, or perhaps a Hayward market strike; something that will expedite "no pun intended" the demise of the monopoly that the major trucking companies have over the freight industy.

After all, we've already witnessed the bitter roots of capitalism. Ie., child labor, the violet resistance to the formation of unions, government officials working with the corporations to crush the will of the people, and the emergence of the pinkerton detectives: an elite group of corporate backed enforcers who were employed during the Carnagie steel strike to protect the scabs fom the strikers and intimidate the union members.

It doesn't take a genius to see that the United States is headed down a slippery slope of socioeconomic erosion. But, who's fault is that? Aren't we "fellow American's" the consumers here? Don't we have control over which items we choose to buy when we go to the store? It's all about control in todays changing socioeconomic situation!

Plain and simple; you stop buying goods. You want the corporations to pay attention to you; you hit them where it hurts! Do you want to be paid a better wage for hauling freight? It's real easy; you take two weeks off and let the freight sit right where it is. Let the freight rot in the warehouses for a few weeks, while you take a nice long well-deserved vacation! After all, what are they going to do if three million truck drivers come down with a two week flu?

We as drivers are untimately at fault for what is happening to our jobs, wages, and our futures! Look, we've already tried to get the politicians to listen to us; and we've already tried to get the media to shine a spotlight on the current situatioin. Both of these efforts have been futile! We must take matters into our own hands if we are to be taken seriously by the corporations!

Why do we continue to haul freight for the same amount of money that we used to haul it for back in the seventies? Are we inherently stupid? Do we really need the money that bad? Well, these are some of the questions that must be answered if we are to come together as an industry and put an end to corporate greed.

Remember, it's all about the situation that we are facing with the big trucking companies; not individul race, color, or creed! If we can unite "as workers" we can then work together to break the hold that large companies have over the industry.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Well said. Let's just put an end to all the thinly veiled racial crap, that masks over the real issues...


Veteran Expediter
We can knock our Politicians, and President for this one.


Is this good for America? Is this gona benfit you? Me? The American Public? Or just the Big Companies that would sacrifice saftey for profits. This is the first real thing I have ever seen where it is so clear that our Current Party in Office cares ONLY FOR THE INTREST OF CORPORATIONS and no to the indiviual honest hard working Amercians.

Our Leaders have completely turned there backs on what is good for Americans only to satisfy the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR.

Even the current Govenor of Texas wants to know how all these trucks are gona be searched, this has nothing to do with Inspections just to the trucks or background checks.

Yes Mr. President Busch, just how does one propose searching and inspecting these vehicles plus the background checks? Its impossible to get thru Customs on the Canadian Border without proper papers, but Mexico just turn the blind eye. Hmmm, at least Canadian drivers share values and are equal to wages vs American Drivers. No I cannot compete with someone only wanting to make a couple of dollars a day, it takes much more than that for me to get by on and you to.
My only advantage, I speak the so called native language, I have a clean neat well maintained truck that costs me a fortune to do so, I bring to our customers a positive attitude and enough insurance to cover there requests. Other than that........


Veteran Expediter
This post would have some validity but I just don’t buy the “they are doing what we would do†argument.

Sorry but to most of us this is an emotional issue and rightfully so. This is about our livelihood, this is about the safety of the people who are on the road and this is about exploitation of our country BUT it is not about a race issue and even hinting at it as a race issue is very wrong. Race does not enter the equation until the people who started champion thier agenda and want to give citizenships to people who invaded the country, allow unfettered border crossings and fight for “immigrants’ rights while trampling on our rights, this is the true racism. Remember what ever you may think, Americans are a race too.

First issue is that the Mexicans do know what they are doing and we should not in any way shape or form support this. We are talking about an uneducated workforce that works for pennies. Their law enforcement is non-existent, as I mentioned what if one of these guys flees to Mexico after hitting your car?

Blizzard mentioned the slippery slope of socioeconomic erosion here in the united states do you honestly think that this would be corrected by allowing Mexicans to come here to work? I mean that we already have the same situation with the near easterners (Indians primarily) coming here to work in the IT industry with a large amount of people who are displaced looking for work in that industry – I am one of them. I strongly feel that the erosion you talk about, with a cultural dilution will continue unless we stop much of this stuff from happening.

Second why should we allow them to come here and be unfettered in their pursuit of happiness? I mean that the Canadian driver does not get the special treatment; they can not run after they drop but must return unless they have their work permit.

The third thing is that the harmonization of the laws that were supposed to take place in Mexico to ensure that the drivers were properly licensed and trucks safe never even approached the level of our lowest standards, so why should we even go to the point where they can even cross the border? We have a man power shortage with inspectors who can inspect the trucks, we have an open border policy where we allow them in to the country without a passport where we have to have one to enter our own country and we don’t have access to their law enforcement system at all. They have had 15 years to get it together and we have given them money to get some of these things done but no one cared to check whether or not they even properly used the money. We hear about billions wasted in Iraq, how about tracking down the money that was wasted in Mexico for NAFTA?

Fourth, the country itself does not deserve access to our country; they are trampling on our sovereignty by supporting an invasion that only benefits them and the corruption of the people in the Mexican government. Until they make some moves to stop assisting people crossing the border and break the law, there should be no consideration in letting one truck across the border. In all reality, an invasion should have been met with the army on the border, shooting at the people who shoot at us and possible invading Mexico to change the government. No other country tolerates this insulting abuse.

Fifth as mentioned, the politicians are the real problem, not the Mexicans. They are the catylist for the problems and knowing participant of the mess.

Six if we repeal NAFTA which could be done; would this negatively impact our country? NO I really don’t think that this could hurt us. I think that our economy will adjust and we will gain some jobs but the Mexican economy will take a nose dive. I would honestly like to see NAFTA go away but I would also love to see the H-1b visa program also go away.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Which president was it, again, that signed NAFTA into law? I forget.

Anyways, as for an army to turn back an invasion, I'm right there with ya on that one. I honestly don't have anything at all against Mexicans, legal or otherwise, who live here. I like it here, too. I can certainly understand why they want to be here. Most of the people here, they or their ancestors came from someplace else, too. I can understand, to a point, being so desperate to improve your or your family's situation that you would want to get here anyway you could, be it legally or illegally.

What I cannot understand is the tremendous level of complete and utter incompetence on the part of the US Customs and Border Patrol, and those in charge of them, to allow, not just a handful, not merely a few hundred, but millions of illegal aliens into this country.

Even on your worst day, how is that even possible? Sheesh!


Veteran Expediter
Turtle it was not Busch, but it was his NAFTA dept. that pushed this through on a Friday afternoon after all in Congress and Sentate went home knowing it was an easy KILL.

He is our president RIGHT NOW, he is also in charge of our borders right now so to blame the hard working Border Control or others it goes right to the top. One last comment on Border Control why are two offericers sitting in jail for shooting an ILLEGAL in the but protecting our borders???? ANSWER George Busch did not step in PERIOD. These two officers were protecting OUR RIGHTS... and in the mean time something unfortunate happened and they have had to take all of the personal blame.

I voted for this man, I have stood by him but he is the BIGGEST IDIOT I have seen in office not a crook, not unethical just a plain IDIOT when it comes to anything involving Mexico.


Veteran Expediter
Well three tries and I will get it right NHTSA. To many letters with abriviations today.... Thats my story sticken to it.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It was a rhetorical question. :)

What is going on now is merely a part of NAFTA. It could have been announced on a Friday night or 7AM Monday and it wouldn't have mattered. NAFTA mandates all this, regardless.

Yeah, I know Bush is in charge right now, and in charge of the borders. Every president who has ever been in charge was in charge of everything that didn't go right, and this is no different. He certainly wasn't in charge when NAFTA was set in motion, nor was he in charge at the first sign of illegal immigration getting out of hand. No one can blame the millions of illegals in this country on a single president. They're all culpable, and it goes back a lot farther than many realize.

It's not really Bush's job to step in for those border guards. What is happening to them is just a small part of the larger chaos that has gotten us to the point. It never should have happened where that first illegal got education or health care benefits gratis. It's insane where illegal aliens have actually become a de facto protected class, right along with other races, creeds, religions, and the physically and sexually orientated-ly challenged.

The US-Mexico border is 1951 miles in length, and it is the most frequently crossed international border in the world, with more than 350 million legally crossing every year,and an estimated 1 million illegals, with 80% being Mexican and the rest being classified as OTM (Other Than Mexican - mostly Central American). One would think that a little more intense and long term attention would be paid to a spot like that, especially since 911. But nooooo.

In times past when the military or National Guard have been deployed along sections of the border, illegal crossings have ceased in those places. But they pull up stakes and then either move to another location along the border or go home. In either case, illegal crossings resumed immediately. If they wanted to eliminate illegal crossings of the border, they could do it.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
F.Y.I. Bush appointed Minetta for NHTSA- just the facts. Bush couldn't speak without a piece of paper written by someone else in front of him. That is why he is so terrible off the cuff. To even think that he was not behind NAFTA is to assume the used car salesman is not trying to screw you.

By the way, I thought Clinton ushered in NAFTA. So, what's the difference?

Amazing thing to me in the U.S. is how the media for so long gave him so much slack. I'll go for PBS or the BBC (even CBC) any chance I get!


Veteran Expediter
What I see happening is that poor driving by Mexican drivers will result in more regulations on US drivers. Of course, the Mexican trucks won't have limitations on them like ours are being proposed; ie speed limiters, black boxes.

If these companies had late model trucks and drivers who could speak English, all we'd be discussing is how they'll undercut us and the safety aspect. And apparently, safety isn't a big issue with Bush. Just a cost of doing business. I swear Bush must know the inside of Fox's bedroom, if you know what I mean. I'll be glad when he's finally gone.

Guliani-Gingrich 2008!!!

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Expert Expediter
So how many abandoned Mexican trucks do you think we'll start finding when they start coming across? It sure beats crawling through a hole in the fence and running from the Border patrol.

Just a thought.........

Driver for 15 years
O/O for 13 years
OOIDA #829119

Drive Safe!
