greg, look for a silver m/2-112 freightliner w/blue fenders and tool boxes and we will introduce you to doc, our beagle, he is w/us most of the time. unless the daughter is feeling lonley at home then he is there for a couple of weeks. you are rite, faithful beagle. we rescued him about a year ago when our blonde cocker [butterscotch, butter for short] got sick and had to be put to sleep [sad day]. dogs in the trk are a huge responsibility and an incovenience, but they are the best thing in the truck, next to the wife. they make even the worst days better. im a little obsessive compulsive as i am told, so a dog in the trk. was always a no no for me but now that i let this mean beagle in there, i dont know how i got along w/out one for as long as i did. he is a bed hog and snores louder than i do, but i just give him a rub, smile and go back to sleep. wish i could put a pic of him on here, will have to try to get that done. he is one good lookin beagle. just cant see why the previous owners pulled up rolled down the window and said here take this f*****g dog we are don with him. some people just should not be pet owners.