What's your average highway speed?
Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123
AVG highway speed is around 60mph - 70mph. @ 1700rpm - 2000rpm
Although, if the wind is in my favor, I can push it to 75-80mpg and still achieve the same mpg.
If the wind, is against me..then I'd have to slow down to 55mph to maintain the same fuel usage.
What's your average highway speed?
Sent from my - Fisher Price ABC - 123
No Idea, first vehicle for expediting...simply chose the low roof. Which I kinda now regret.
I hope you have freight liner in mind, when saying Sprinter.
I believe this vehicle will be worth every penny. for under 30k.
Also a friend, drives promaster 2500 159WB high roof. he gets 14-15mpg