Informal Survey
If so, what size is it? Next time will it be the same size, smaller or larger?
Actually have two sleepers. They're both doing it right now, in fact. Sometimes, however, they're barkers, a lot of time they're farters, but most often, they're sleepers. One is 54 pounds and I swear is the result of a canine genetic experiment gone real bad, and the other is 94.5 pounds (she's a tad sensitive about it, so I dare not say 95). I'd say definitely next go-round we'll opt for smaller, or not at all. Oh, wait.....another one is a sleeper. She comes from a long line of rather undistinguished Puerto Ricans. Matter of fact, she's in the back doing her Husqvarna imitation right now. So, three. Three sleepers it is. I value my vital organs too much to be proclaiming her size to the general public, so no way I'm giving that up. Suffice it to say that after 16 years, I still find that sleeper really hot. She's the once-in-a-lifetime model sleeper that never needs replacement, given proper maintenance (like splurging for that new bra at Wal-Mart tomorrow like I promised, for example).
If we're talking truck sleepers, we have a 96" Bentz. Next one will probably be larger. And probably an ARI or AA. I've found that both of those outfits pick up the phone and/or call you back when you have questions..........even if you don't own one of their products. A simple thing like that kind of makes me all giddy.