Canada Do you deliver freight in Canada or Cross Dock?


Staff member
When I first got into expediting in the early 90's it was the norm to deliver freight to Canada. Fast forward to 2014, several carriers now transfer that load and have a Canadian based truck deliver it.

What do you do?

Does your carrier give you options?


Veteran Expediter
When with TST I xdocked 100%. But then again the Queen wont let me into Canada.
I dont think TST knew our trucks would go left and right to often. Straight down 75 and straight back up to Woodyhaven. No longer seeing Canadian freight.
I wouldnt mind getting some of that Canadian freight now and again and dropping it at Load1..But thats not up to me, other ppl get paid to find freight not me..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We run loads into and out of Canada on a regular basis. It is a pain in the neck to be sure, but they tend to pay good. ALL of our work this week was into or out of Canada.

On a side nope. There has been a "bump up" in numbers and how trucks are inspected at scales in Canada of late. Even to the point where they held us, on two occasions, for several hours while they compared logs to fuel receipts etc. This is the first time this has been done in our 8 years in the business, never in the US. Twice now in Canada.

The first time they made light of it. The second guy was a donkey butt. He KNEW I was low on hours and told me I would be written up for going over them if he took longer than I had hours. He left me TWO MINUTES, to log off the clock. Nice guy.