Do you believe in ANGELS?


Veteran Expediter
If you are not Christian than I do not believe you would care to read any further, for those that are I invite you to continue.

Pulling into a fuel station and inserting the Fuel Card as time is of essence for ALL of us right? I go to get my reciepts and fuel credit on the card. While standing in line and asking to myself please (hurry hurry hurry) typical rush we find ourselves in. No time to smell the Roses just lets get it and go.

I realize I am also a bit hungry and look over at the Arbys and to my suprise at 1:00PM no one in line (what a break). Get my papers and off I go, all I want is a quick sandwhich to go.

I enter the roped off area and there is someone in front of me (Darn) I thought (hope his order is short). Out comes his carry out and I am thinking Great I am next and can order and GO.

Over at the French Fry area is a young lady or girl and she turns her head and says to me (I will be with you in a minute) I am thinking to myself is there someone behind me? Could this person be talking to me? You know the typical fast food no communication your the customer you can just wait until I am darn ready to wait on you just the like the last time I was in there with the guy with the hole in his ear as big as my 5th wheel and hair in face that he made a English Sheapdog look like he had shorter and neater hair. Anyway to my amazement OK thats cool at least she knows I am here.

As she turn towards me this young girl is physically handicapped without going deep into detail I had just been struck with a million thoughts first of which I was mad at myself for always allowing myself to be rushed, putting myself for a moment in her shoes, it is now time to start slowing down! She may never know it but she changed my way of thinking ever since my path crossed hers. What an Angel and thank you dear Lord for my path to be crossed with hers at that moment.

Now instead of looking at me with the look of what do you want? She ASKED? I am thinking WOW a talking Cashier. Polite this girl was full of, great parenting I am thinking. And while on that topic it also crossed my mind (how proud could these parents of this girl be of her?) She did her job better than anyone that have taken an order from me this year. Her gentle touch as she took the quarters between my index finger and thumb, since she could not hold her hand out to cup the the change.

My order was correct and asked if I needed any sauces or anyting else? Go figure? And than she said Have a nice Day.

Little did she know SHE MADE MY DAY, and also made me think of how my own hurry hurry rushed life well to say it as nice as I can is unfair to myself and others.

Think once and while, its not all about us its about all of us. This is what is wrong with most of us, put yourself for a moment in the positon "what if you had an accident tommorow and lost a limb" how life changing would that be?

With Thanksgiving comming up, think of what you are greatfull for? I have it made, I am doing what I have always wanted to do. I am making not just a living but have much more left over. I-We even if not as forutnate as I am, should be Greatfull for everything we have.

I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and if you read this I have a prayer for you and your family along with the young prayers for the young girl at the Counter.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Awesome post, and a blessing. Thanks for sharing, and may we all be reminded to be thankful for what we have.

Funny how we always forget how others have it worse. The other day I was at Walmart, complaining to my wife about how bad my knee was hurting... just then a kid who couldn't have been over 17 came in on crutches with one leg gone.

"OK God.. I get it"...LOL.

Thanks BP!

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Seasoned Expediter
Tremendous post Broompilot!!!!! I had tears streaming down my face by the end of your post. Isn't it amazing how God puts us in these kind of situations to "wisen" us up and make us realize that we're not as bad off at times that we may think we are?
Thank you for this post and for making me realize just how grateful I am for all that I have. :)


Expert Expediter

Thank you for being you and for sharing this with us. Yes we all have so much to be thankful for and a post like this really makes one stop and think about our many blessings that we tend to over look each day.


And YES I do believe in Angels! It's really strange the forms they may appear in.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good post Kraig. There is a young man who has Downes Syndrom and works at the Pilot in Beloit Wi. His name is Joe and he is the shower attendant plus helps out on other maintenance. I would always make a point to stop there if I was passing by in the daytime just to say "Hi Joe". Well his face would light up like a ray of sunshine that someone recognized him and said Hello..
One time the manager told me he is never late,always clean and you can count on him to do his job.

We all get caught up in the hurry and bustle of our lives and we should pause to think about how others don't have it as well as we do but they cope.


Veteran Expediter
What a great event.

Hope you take the time and send these thoughts to Arby's and the actual location. We can all be quick to write and complain when we are upset but accolades are due here!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
i do, and thanks for sharing that with us
also sometimes late at night when driving hear a voice that say's isn't time you stop for a break and i'm only one around
i think it's my dad saying it's time to stop
he passed away in aug 2000


Veteran Expediter
That was a great post Broom and I enjoyed reading it. You and your wife have been angels to me and mine. Today our pastor told us in his sermon we should start giving God thanks for the most recent things he has done for us and work our way back, and if we are truely honest about it we will not be able to finish today. Broom, You and your wife will be on our list.


Veteran Expediter
Broom, thanks for the wonderful post. It caused me to stop and think and was an appropriate piece to read after my weekend. I attended the wedding of a good friend's daughter. 21/2 years ago I attended his funeral.


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What a nice refreshing post. Thanks for sharing.

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If maintained, an attitude of gratitude produces positive results not just during Thanksgiving but all year long.


Veteran Expediter
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Thank you Broom for taking the time to post your blessing.

Whenever our heart is open and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, it is amazing what God will reveal to us.

May we all take a moment this Thanksgiving to reflect on the blessings that God has given to us and then may we take the time to thank God for those blessings.


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks for the post. It was very touching. I always seem to feel a bit of shame when I get so caught up in my daily issues that I forget to be thankful for my many blessings. I strongly believe in angels, that is why I use the avitar and signature I do. There have been so many times that I know I am being watched and protected. Earlier this week we had a load that cancealed on us because the computer said we couldn't make the time. I knew we could and questioned the dispatcher, who agreed we could, but her supervisor went with the computer. At first I was annoyed that common sense didn't come into play, then I was reminded that the good Lord watches out for us. No we didn't get any amazing load after that, but I believe we were being protected from an accident that may of occured if we had taken the load. Of course we will never know, but because of my beleif in God and angels, this is how I see something like that occuring.


Veteran Expediter
I often think when things seem like they're going wrong in every possible way, that maybe it's God's way of protecting me from something unseen, and it eases my mind. I dont get upset about those kinds of things, because I know that God is in control of everything. How do you know those 5 minutes you lost looking for something like keys, etc..didnt save your life?
People are quick to point out all the bad things, and don't take the time to see the good in life. Every morning I thank God for even letting me wake up. You shouldn't take anything for granted.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Stories like that do make you wonder. A few weeks ago my dad told me about the preacher not making it to church because his car broke down. They just sang and read scriptures. A woman came in after services had started and didn't hear about the preacher. Afterward, she gave a check to one of the men and said give it to the preacher to get his car fixed. It was for just about exactly what the repair cost. The preacher's wife believes that was an angel. Other than tv/movies I don't believe angel's make themselves visible to humans but I do believe they exist and mysterious things can happen. Some things are just too strange for any other explanation.

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Veteran Expediter
Talking about beliefs and angels I have to share this . When my 3 kids were preschool age I had a 2 door '69 Ford Torino . The 3 kids always rode in the back seat . One night about a week before Christmas we went out to eat a couple of miles from home . When we got in the car to go home the kids said they wanted to get in the front seat (had bench seats in those days) because they were cold . It didn't make sense because we'd be home before the car really got warm but I said o.k. . As we pulled onto the highway to turn left toward home the car stalled . Some of you may remember Ford had a problem with the safety switch and you'd have to wiggle the shifter to get the car to start . While I was doing that a car came over the hill and slammed into my car just behind the driver's door . We were all taken to the hospital , checked , and released . The other car had gone halfway into the back seat . I sold the car to a friend that pulled the engine and transmission out . He said the motor mounts and transmission mounts were all broken loose from the impact . There is no doubt a angel got those kids in the front seat that night . That was the first time they had not been in the back seat .


Veteran Expediter
Actually, angels do manifest themselves and in human form as well.

When we go directly to God's Holy Word we can always find the correct answer.

The Bibles says in Hebrews 13:2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

If we have entertained them, they would have been in human form.

So much of what people believe is based upon the "Traditions of men" and not based upon, "What saith the Scriptures."

Consider this verse: Numbers 22:31 "Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face."

The Bible says, Balaam saw the angel.

Here's another one: Judges 6:12 "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour."

The Bible says, "The angel appeared unto him."

God isn't interested in our opinions, or our preconceived beliefs.

God is interested in our obedience to Him.

1Samuel 12:15 "But if ye will not obey the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall the hand of the LORD be against you, as it was against your fathers."

Jeremiah 7:23 "But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you."


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I'm glad to see the Old Testament references to angles. You don't have to be a Christian to believe in angles. Jews believed in angles long before Jesus Christ was born. Gratitude and thanksgiving is common to all cultures and religions.