As FedEx contractors, do we get a discount for shipping ground packages?
I usually send them USPS, but might try FedEx if the price is right.
I won't waste your time trying to be a smart aleck and knock FedEx or EO. I'll tell you that the time I asked at my local FedEx/Kinko's I was told the discount is only for those on the payroll of FedEx and not available to us as O/O contractors.
I'll tell you that the time I asked at my local FedEx/Kinko's I was told the discount is only for those on the payroll of FedEx and not available to us as O/O contractors.
At the time we (Roberts Express) were acquired, we were told by FedEx what we are regarded as their "Crown Jewel"
I would answer your question but because of the recent issues that have come up this post might be deleted because it might be "a breach of their confidentiality clause."