Veteran Expediter
Sorry LOS .... I was busy eating dinner and talking with an another EO member on the phone ...
Leo, please take note of the above ....
I realize that this is clearly a very difficult concept to grasp, but they really aren't the same thing. (believe it or not)
There is also the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations ...... as well as a number of others that really don't have much to do with diplomacy, even peripherally (Road Signs, Ozone Layer, etc.)
I realize that it is all very complicated and confusing .....
Aren't you familiar with the UK's Visiting Forces Act 1952 ?
If not, you can read it here:
Visiting Forces Act 1952

BTW, I'm sure the Founding Fathers would be very disappointed to hear such a thing .... they seemed to place a great deal of stock and value in words, and the concepts which they represented, when they were placed together in sentences.
They also seemed to feel that spending significant time and effort on what one had to say was probably a wise thing to do ....
Wow, thanks - I'm really glad that you have seen fit to confirm that for all of us .... I doubt that we, as the unwashed masses, would have been able to divine it for ourselves .... well, some of us anyways ...Nope, Hollywood is not reality.
Leo, please take note of the above ....
Ahhh ... diplomatic immunity is most specifically covered under the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations ..... not the Geneva Conventions, which primarly defines, or sets the standards for the humanitarian treatment of the victims of war.I spent 3 years under the Geneva Convention ..... blah, blah, blah .....
I realize that this is clearly a very difficult concept to grasp, but they really aren't the same thing. (believe it or not)
There is also the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations ...... as well as a number of others that really don't have much to do with diplomacy, even peripherally (Road Signs, Ozone Layer, etc.)
I realize that it is all very complicated and confusing .....
Hmmm .... why is that ?..... and 5 years in England with no treaty protection as all, as did my wife for those 5 years.
Aren't you familiar with the UK's Visiting Forces Act 1952 ?
If not, you can read it here:
Visiting Forces Act 1952
Utterly profound ..... was that originally on some episode of 24 or NCIS ?Words are only words, experience counts.
BTW, I'm sure the Founding Fathers would be very disappointed to hear such a thing .... they seemed to place a great deal of stock and value in words, and the concepts which they represented, when they were placed together in sentences.
They also seemed to feel that spending significant time and effort on what one had to say was probably a wise thing to do ....
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