

Retired Expediter
OK, here's your dilemma of the day:

You are the President of the United States.

You've just learned that there is an asteroid headed for France that will completely wipe out their entire country.

It is scheduled to hit about 2:30 a.m. in just two days from now.

You have enough ships and military personnel nearby that can help evacuate their people safely, BUT they are on stand-by in case of war with Iran.

Your question: do you set the VCR to record the asteroid hitting France, or do you stay up to watch it live?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd send my most qualified representatives to France to assist as they could. Pelosi, Clintons, Reed, McCain, Kennedy, Obama and a few others. Only those of equal caliber to our ally.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Actually there is something that I have to ask, are we the United States the only country that knows about this pending event or does France also know?

If we are the only one who knows, then I would simply shut my mouth and tell the UN they have 24 hours to vacate the property in NYC and tell them to go to France.

If France and the rest of the world knows, I would do both - record it and watch it live. I would offer to only help the innocent, the dogs, cats and zoo animals of the country and mention to them that we will be by to pick up the contents of the Louve to pay for WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. I would also go on TV after the event and tell the American people that it was confirmed that the Godless country of France has been wiped out, we got the art that they owed us and we saved as many animals as we could possibly find in France.

Bugsy Siegel

Seasoned Expediter
>Your question: do you set the VCR to record the asteroid
>hitting France, or do you stay up to watch it live?


I'm setting the Tivo for this one!