Did You Renew Your HAZMAT Endorsement?


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
It has been a while since the new rules went into effect regarding HAZMAT endorsements (fingerprinting, background check, fee increases to cover the costs of both). Soon after the new rules were in place, a number of driver complaints were heard about the process. Some industry publications wrote stories about frustrated drivers that lost valuable time and money trying to comply within a system that was clearly not working well. Time passed and the horror stories dropped off the radar.

Diane and I just renewed our CDL's with HAZMAT endorsements. The process went as smooth as could be expected. We stopped at a relatively convenient location on the road (in Missouri) and got fingerprinted. There was no waiting line but there was a hefty fee. The background check was completed in a surprisingly short time and we were so notified by letter. At our home state (Minnesota) driver's license exam station, they had the clearance letter on file and administered the HAZMAT endorsement test, which we both passed. Our renewed CDLs and endorsements were issued on the spot.

That said, I took no pleasure in forking over the additional fees and investing additional time to re-acquire an endorsement I already had. I'm curious to know if you or anyone you know let your (their) HAZMAT endorsement go because of these new rules.


Veteran Expediter
How soon prior to the expiration date did you start the process? Having gone through a background check for FAST and paying a fee, why would that not suffice? Also many of you are cleared for A&E. Why another background check and fee for hazmat?


Veteran Expediter
To my suprise this week I renewed mine.

No Back Ground Check, No Fingerprinting, No Fees:

Could not believe I got away with this but honestly I have a new CDL with HM thru 2015.

Have had a B with HM, stepped up to an A and since my B did not expire until 2010 the rules were to step it up for 8 years and I was Grandfathered in. Now if I waited until it expiered I would have to go thru the process. I only expected the new A to be good for three years, I kept quite with a smile on my face in the picture.

Why did I want an A? Cause I did.

Big Redd

Expert Expediter
My haz mat is up for renewal in August here in Pa. They sent me notice in late Jan. other then the extra money it went very smooth and from start to finish I had my approval letter in about 8 weeks. State Police do the finger printing and run all the papers now I just wait for my photo card to come up and that is usually about 90 days before drivers lic expires.Just treat it like another operating expense...


Expert Expediter
I am not positive about this but when I changed my license from NY to CA I was told if you don't have the TSA leter then your hazmat is not valid. I was told this by the California DMV person, but we all know that just becase someone has the job doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. I was also told I need to carry the leter with me as proof. Like I said didn't read this anywhere was told by CA. DMV.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My cdl doesn't expire until 2011 so I've got 3.9 years to decide. By then it may all be different again anyway so I'm not going to even look into it for about 3 years. I do have one friend who did not renew the hazmat. That is the only one I know of so far.

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Motor Carrier Executive
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Great post - great question.

Though I do not really use my CDL, I decided to renew my CDL and Hazmat endorsement here in Ohio. I really wanted to understand what the drivers go through to maintain the hazmat endorsement.

I received a letter from OH BMV stating that I would need to make application with TSA for my background check. I did so online and waited and waited for a return letter stating that I was approved. No letter came. Since each time I called TSA I was on hold for very long periods of time, I finally decided to contact the fingerprinting facility to question the lack of the approval letter from TSA. I was informed that I could have come at anytime for the fingerprinting - that they do not send any letter to you until you have been fingerprinted! Very poor instructions provided by my state.

My license now expires in 12 days. Still no letter. Guess I am relegated to being a safety guy the remainder of my working life.

I now understand why some drivers choose to not retain the hazmat endorsement.





Expert Expediter
I renewed mine 2 years ago, went very smooth. Went to the State Police barricks, no charge, for the fingerprints. If I am not mistaken, I had to pass the HazMat test before I went for the fingerprints.

Jim has to renew his this year so the paperwork is sitting at the house. Will see how it goes for him!!