Did you noticed America was shut down today?


Veteran Expediter
America closed today?

Did anyone actually notice?

I heard all day about this massive pro-invader rally. Thousands of people (note not millions) came out to support our laws being broken.

Thought provoking comment ahead -

I wonder why did they pick the communist holiday - May Day - for this rally. Why not try to make it look like they want to stay here and have it around July 4th to stage a strike.

But beside all this I had no problem getting my Mexican food today at my favorite restaurant which posted a sign on it that said “no illegal aliens here†and “we do not support the demonstrationsâ€. Mind you the restaurant is right around the corner from the bridge to Canada and a lot of INS and DHS people eat there. I didn’t notice any difference.

All together now,

Amanece, lo veis?, a la luz de la aurora?
lo que tanto aclamamos la noche caer?
sus estrellas sus franjas
flotaban ayer
en el fiero combate
en señal de victoria,
fulgor de lucha, al paso de la libertada.
Por la noche decían:
"Se va defendiendo!"
Oh decid! Despliega aún
Voz a su hermosura estrellada,
sobre tierra de libres,
la bandera sagrada?
Sus estrellas, sus franjas,
la libertad, somos iguales.
Somos hermanos, en nuestro himno.
En el fiero combate en señal de victoria,
Fulgor de lucha, al paso de la libertada.
Mi gente sigue luchando.
Ya es tiempo de romper las cadenas.
Por la noche decían: "!Se va defendiendo!"
Oh decid! Despliega aún su hermosura estrellada
sobre tierra de libres,
la bandera sagrada?


Seasoned Expediter
yeah...what about cinco de mayo! They shoulda held a national round up the illegals day...easy pickens! :+


Veteran Expediter
You know since I posted this I thought about the impact or lack of impact it would actually have. I mean that outside of some construction jobs and some agriculture problems it actually is a good thing. I really don’t care about the lawn cutters, most of the people who actually use invaders are Golf Courses and I could care less about them – knowing a few owners and the amount of money many of them make they can afford paying real wages.

With agriculture, you know there is not much that needs to be ‘hand’ picked. I mean am related some how to the blue berry king and after his labor problem in the 60’s he created the blue berry picking machine – replacing all of his ‘hand’ pickers and streamlining his operation. On the other hand we import a good percentage of our fruits and veggies – they don’t all come from the south west as some of these farmers want you to believe. Is this also exploiting the poor workers in Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia? Of course it is but when we buy from other countries we keep them working there and they stay there.

So what I guess I am trying to say is that this country has enough unemployed people not counting the invader who stands on the corner for a job to do a lot of these jobs – many are not 5 and 6 dollars an hour. Many of us (I was unemployed for three years) don’t get counted after 26 weeks and the 4.7% or what ever it is, is a false number anyway so we don’t have true ‘full employment’ as we are told. I think as I said to Senator McCain in my letter to him that I think that there is no job that American won’t do and asked him where do I need to sign up for his lettuce picking employment program – I have not gotten a reply back yet and will post it on my website.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,your elected!!!
Come out with your little van on May 5 and start rounding them up.I'll pay for your fuel!!
We can outfit you in a Nazi Uniform from the costume shop(or perhaps a clown uniform),recruit some Minutemen fromm the border and you fellows get busy rounding up the invaders!!
Start with the babies first,easy pickins',then the small children(just toss em in sacks) and finally the woman,(those filthy breeders)
I know you won't want to deal with the adult men,as they will slit your throats if your not quick enough,but the kids and women are the real problem!!
When you have all 12 mill tossed back where they belong,we can sit down have a some good Amrerican food,drink some American beer,and sing the National Anthem in English,or French or Japanese,or Yougoslovian anything,but not Spanish!!
Recruiting all Vans,join Greg in the Cinco de Mayo INVADER ROUNDUP
(Nazi Uniforms optional)!


Veteran Expediter

Sooooo I assume that your answer to my previous question in another post is that you support them breaking the law and you are all for the things that could happen to an undocumented person who is in our country? too bad, I hoped you would side with law abiding people.

NAZI? ... hehe ..... you can do better than that, lol. It is so childish and liberal to call me that - now you are sounding like others who really can't respect themselves let alone anyone else and have to resort to names and labels trying to shame the person.

I have been called a NAZI (all caps by the way) before, no biggie. I guess there are some who equate patroitism with being a NAZI. I am not a single race, highly narrow minded, Mexician hating, must invade Canada and Mexico for Lebensraum, card carrying Nationalsozialistische Amerikanisch Arbeiterpartei member - far from it, even though I do hate communism. I have met and talked to the real thing - real card carrying, love for Hitler NAZI and I ain't anything close to that, thank you very much. But if you want to put a pre-ww2 spin on it, go ahead I would like to hear what you think the Germans would have done.

You know you don't get it, do you? You make me out to hate Mexicans, far from it. I grew up with Mexicans, I worked around Mexicans starting at 14 who came here legally and was taught how to cook by my Mexican next door neighbor (who arrived in the US on the same day we moved into our home and spoke little english to the day she passed on) before my mother trusted me in her kitchen. My favorite foods are Mexican (not tacos either), not Italian or German or Chinese or anything else for that matter.

Even though I completely understand their reasoning for this invasion, I strongly feel that if the invaders don't want to follow the laws you depend on to remain safe in your little hubble we won't have a country much longer. It starts with justifying breaking one law, then another and then another and what will you have? A country that is run by coruption and people who think they are Gods.

The leadership of this country, INCLUDING the DEMOCRATS are afriad of these people who don't vote, who don't represent anything but a minority and who really don't make much of a real impact if they would not be in the work force. The actual impact would not be something that would devistate our country but rather force some adjustments that are needed in the first place.

Deport them? Well yes I would like to see that but I came to the conclusion it is futile to do so because it is an emotional thing. Every country does it, why not here? I would rather see laws passed that would punish the people who hire them, YES like the drug forfeture laws. If they can take someones home away for growing Cannabis why not a business profiting from this? oh yes build a wall.


Veteran Expediter
They always make it out like we are hunting down innocent people. They are far from being innocent. They are here illegally. It's not fair to all the other people in countries that are not border to border with us, that they have to wait and follow the correct legal channels to get here. Just because these people live across the border does NOT just give them the right to live here. The majority of them are rude and selfish. Not all, but the majority. It's pretty bad that even the mexicans that came over here legally don't want them to have amnesty. That right there should tell you something. I personally don't have a problem with them as long as they do it the right,leagl way. That and they should learn to speak english, and not keep waving their mexico flag around. If they want to be here so bad, then they need to become a part of us and not keep the seperation thing going on. When I can't even go into a McDonald's in New York and order a hamburger, then I have a problem with them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The more the protests etc. go on the more disgusted I become with both the politicians and the illegals. We don't need to round them up. We can easily get them out without that. We need to enact a penalty of at least $1000 per day times the total number of employees of the company against the CEO or president of any company employing illegals. It must be paid by the individual in charge of the company or business. We need to set a date no later than 30 days in the future when all welfare and any other government largesse ends. We need to make it known we will provide amnesty from prosecution for felony trespass to any illegal coming forward during that time as well as transportation home wherever that may be. We need to make it known that any illegal who hasn't reported by the deadline is banned for life from any possibility of legal citizenship. Once the grace period is over they are on their own for getting home. The ones who report to voluntarily return home would be allowed to apply for legal and legitimate citizenship in the future but only from their legal home country. We need to close and lock the borders. We need to go to a 3 fence system with the center fence electrified. We need to protect our sovereignty as strongly as Mexico and other nations protect theirs. We need to boycott any business that was closed Monday in support of the criminals. We need more blood pressure medicine to deal with the problem (both the illegals and the liberals who support them).

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
As a police ofcr in S Calif in the early 80's, I can remember stopping veh.'s with illegals in them(10-15)and calling for the border patrol to come get them and being told to let them go. Never bothered with it anymore. I agree with the idea of fortifying our borders and doing all we can to keep future illegals out. I don't have a clue on a way to deal with the estimated 12-20 millon who are here now. I'm not talking about the one standing on the corner looking for a day job, I'm talking about the property owners and long term employees. Can we really expect the govt to start rounding up people,seizing their assets and sending some to a country they may never have seen(kids). Do we split up families also ,sending parents back but allowing kids to stay. By doing nothing for years and years, our country has condonned this and now wishes the problem will just go away. G. Bush only inheirted the problem, he didn't create it, however, the libs will have you believe he drove them across. I don't believe in benefits or the rights associated with citizenship being afforded to these people nor do I think their children should be allowed in sch. until they are proficent in english( HOPE THEY SPELL BETTER THAN ME ). Don't have all the answers, but we can't shoot them as they cross the border. Randon thoughts from a wasp Bush fan...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know why you were up so late. I woke up after a nice snooze in the recliner and posted some before hitting the sack. Today I'm off to visit my daughter in college.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
As a proud non conservative(maybe to liberal for some)I find great wisdom in many ideas Leo has to offer.I think he's actually a little more middle of the road them he thinks.Yes,the problem is not "rounding them all up" Greg(it can't be done)but dealing with the situation at hand.
I absolutly agree that the politicians and big business(mostly representd by the majority in power right now)have softened the immigration laws to favor business.
Bush,in his wisdom,did away with the INS,replaced by something called Homeland Security,which is the biggest farce since FIMA.We are niether more secure,from terrorists,or more capable of keeping the southern front defended.It's a joke.It seems that anything the boys who can't shoot straight deem beyond their ability to comprehend gets shifted to Homeland Security.It has sopped up billions of dollars,very little of which has gone to securing the borders.Leo,how is this a libreral problem?The fellows who control the expendtures are the majority party,they control the votes these days on these issues.Apparently,the grossly underfunded Border Patrol has to be supported by Minutemen,what ever they are?However,the borders between Syria and Iraq are doing well,considering the billions we are spending there.Again,how is this a liberal problem?Leo,do you sleep better with the knowledge that the Syrian border with Iraq is better controlled then the border between Arizona and Northern Mexico?If you see problems here,perhaps you need to write your republican congress person and have a little of that money shifted for our border protection.Just a thought.


Veteran Expediter
This is not about hate, hating a culture, selectively destroying a culture or even considering deporting legal immigrants – it is all about the difference between people who think is it all right to break the law and those who don’t.

Ok Tallcal let me ask you – what things have been tried that I mentioned?

Forfeiture? Nope not tried

Deportation on a large scale? I agree that this will not work

Building a real wall? No one has tried to do this in the government and support was there a while ago.

I mean in the last 15 years has there been any enforcement of the laws of this country to prevent the invasion of this country?

Oh let me ask you what has the Clinton administration done to curb these problems before 1994 when the Democrats had control of the house and senate? He had two years to tackle this problem with the party majority and 8 years total working with a congress who gave him a lot of what he asked for. DID NOTHING!

I absolute agree with you that President Bush has dropped the ball and so has the Republicans for that matter on this issue. I think that eliminating the INS while creating a lot of ambiguity within the DHS on issues like immigration without leadership shows that President Bush is more concerned with the business end of the issue – not the sovereignty issue that is more important to our survival. Yes it is a joke, nothing less.

As for the lawn mower comment, the press – the press who likes to see this country damaged – says that most of the lawn care people are illegal immigrants – which are not true. They say that nannys, restaurants and a whole bunch of things will be going out of business without the invaders. They also say that agriculture in the country will cease to exist if we don’t allow them to stay – all a lie! Lie LIE LIE!! The fact that these agriculture companies don’t want to pay the wages, don’t want to automate some of their processes and don’t want to put money into research and development of a more efficient farming system. I am not talking about the ma and pa farms or small 600 acre farms; I am talking about large multiple farm corporations who supply companies like Dole, Tyson and Purdue.

I think Leo’s ideas have a lot of merit and he detailed them rather well. As for holding CEOs accountable, that will be as difficult as my idea of forfeiture. There is another reason, the CEO will not be paying the bill, the company will – which means it will be passed on to us. The way the contracts are written for these CEOs, they are provided legal consul and most of the time all expenses are paid by the company. To enact legislation to do this is as impossible as forcing Exxon to provide a day of free gas to everyone.

TallCal, I am wondering about the Hitler thing you said; “Perhaps, like those middle easterners that Hitler thought so little of, you know, the bankers and entertainers of his time, you favor something along those lines?â€

I know what you’re driving at, like your NAZI (remember all caps) statement, you got it all wrong. I already gave you a little history lesson about myself, here is a cultural lesson. The Mexican families I know I actually admire. I admire the Latino culture as much as I admire the Asian culture because of the family values, the respect within the family unit and their work ethics. These things I actually grew up with but most of today’s society lacks. I mean that today look around you and see what has become with the family unit. Did you ever think that maybe I support legal immigration and integration of others cultures into the United States’ culture to improve our countries culture. Illegal is illegal and it is harmful.

And finally your comment I got to tell you, I would like to send you a couple history books. Hitler supported the Arab cause AND recruited them to fight for him and the Fascist. The bankers and entertainers were not living in the Middle East at that time.

So let’s hear your ideas, I mean I opinionated mine ideas and defended them (sort of) – I would like to hear your solutions and promise I will not beat you up or make fun of them.


Expert Expediter
I thought that this was worth sharing with people whom I know will appreciate it.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.

But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...there can be no divided allegiance here.

Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all.

We have room for but one flag, the American flag...we have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I should have specified it is the liberal media who are the most significant problem. Only one newspaper in the nation, that I have heard of, correctly labeled Monday's activity as illegals. I'm not far right but I am more conservative than liberal. I consider myself sensible which is the in between position.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Well I for one think that the government and I mean all of the government not just one side or the other has mainly run from the actual dealing with this issue. Neither side wants to push the issue. All they do is keep talking about it and taking their time off in the congress and making this issue worse. The longer it takes for them to figure out what to do the worse the rallies and protests are going to get. Next thing we'll be seeing is massive riots in the streets if they don't figure out something soon. I tend to be on the same theories Leo is. I liked your sugesstions on this issue. What is the old saying though "Opinions are like a--holes and everybody has one
" right?

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Let me start another fire. From the pictures that I saw, at least the Mexicans were waving a United States flag. Those Cubans in Florida still wave the Cuban flag. I feel there are only two kinds of people in the United States, those who are legal, and those who need to get out. Line them up, chain them to one another, and make them pick up trash all the way back to the border.


Veteran Expediter
My good friend,dubya was the govenor of a border state prior to his destroying our country(at least trying to).To say he is being blamed unfairly is just more dubya b######t.He dictated loose border security in his state(the largest border state in the country)to allow his oil and gas friends to pay low labor costs and exploit the tax payers of both his state and the rest of the country.He also deregulated emisssion controls on refineries to a point that set the clock back to 1960 air standards.Many deaths have resulted,documented up the wazoo.
Ofcourse,considering his complete lack of planning for anything(except running the defecit up to many trillions of dollars)it is not surprising that Texas is home to the worst educational system in the country.Lowest test scores per capita per student.Allowing that the ex govenor(now prez)has a difficult time stringing together more then 5 words,this is not surprising.
You heard it here,once the senate and house change hands, watch for the investigations to began,and the impeachment hearing to follow.
The lies these idiots have put forth make Clinton look like an alter boy!Ken Lay(Kenny boy)will need to keep the light on for some friends in high places.
Let the games begain!!


Veteran Expediter
My Friend lets see.....

You said “My good friend, dubya was the govenor of a border state prior to his destroying our country(at least trying to).To say he is being blamed unfairly is just more dubya b######t. He dictated loose border security in his state(the largest border state in the country)to allow his oil and gas friends to pay low labor costs and exploit the tax payers of both his state and the rest of the country.“

Well I really can’t disagree with this, yes he was a governor of a border state and yes he is doing nothing to stop an invasion. This by the way can be twisted into an impeachable offense, but the Dems won't touch it - they want invaders to vote and take all of our rights away. As for his friends, I touch on that in a minute.

You said “He also deregulated emission controls on refineries to a point that set the clock back to 1960 air standards. Many deaths have resulted, documented up the wazoo.â€

OK first we seem to miss the point that many countries don’t have any controls on their emissions AND that we still live in ONE OF THE CLEANEST INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD because we have a system that does still work believe it or not. As for the multiple deaths due to deregulation? Where are they? Where is the proof? Show me one piece of documentation.

You said “Ofcourse, considering his complete lack of planning for anything(except running the deficit up to many trillions of dollars)it is not surprising that Texas is home to the worst educational system in the country. Lowest test scores per capita per student. Allowing that the ex governor(now prez)has a difficult time stringing together more then 5 words, this is not surprising.â€

OK? Planning for anything? Well I am not going to defend him and his administration, but I would say that an equal administration in regards of planning is carter’s administration, they could plan nothing. Lowest scores? I know Georgia is having a hard time and so are a bunch of other states. The control is not in the hands of the politicians, state or federal it is in the hands of the NEA.

You said “You heard it here, once the senate and house change hands, watch for the investigations to began, and the impeachment hearing to follow.â€

Well I have said this in the past, we need serious balance but and a BIG BUT the balance won’t do a thing to help. Why? Well people like Pelosi and Reid and all the other ‘leaders’ of the dems are losing it already by their hatred and the negative rhetoric. Don’t count on them winning; it is not done deal yet. I think that if they really want to make an impact, they need to shut up about Bush and offer something that would really make a difference in our world, not theirs. I mean that have they come up with anything yet other than telling us that there will be investigations and there will be more taxes? No nothing and I don’t expect them to come up with anything. As for impeachment, don’t count on that either, the time line would not facilitate it while he is in office and too many people would fall on their sword for him first. The end result would be Cheney who I would not want to be in control of the administration and if you think he would be booted too – no way the dem leadership knows this would be stopped by the courts and others.

You said “The lies these idiots have put forth make Clinton look like an alter boy! Ken Lay(Kenny boy)will need to keep the light on for some friends in high places.
Let the games begain!!â€

Well Clinton and others Dems wrote the book of lies. I really don’t have much to say other then that when you compare friends to friends, I think that Clinton and his wife played more games for their friends than anyone else in a long time. I mean look at two environmental issues, Tyson Chicken pollution and the pig poop problem, both were allowed to happen under Clinton’s administration so they still have the same record. The other thing is what ever happened to Gore’s government reduction work he was doing to save trees?


Veteran Expediter
There's a difference between the ex-patriots in Cuba and illegals from Mexico. The Florida Cubans are awaiting the day Castro dies, and hoping democracy becomes the norm there. At that time, we can probably expect a mass exodus of these ex-patriots back to their homeland. I support their waving the Cuban flag, cause they love America for what they've done, but also long for the country left.

The illegals are a totally different game here. They come to this country to find work. They then take that money and send it back to Mexico. They care nothing for this country, as they want to make it like theirs. Why leave your country in the first place? Because it's corrupt? Why not do something about it? Do you hear of illegals rallying together to try to make Mexico less corrupt? Nah... they have their home now, which they're wanting to change... even tho they don't belong here.

I see two things come from this. Fox will send as many ppl here as he can, so they can send money back to the Mexican economy. Also, the American government will have fuel to brand us all for employment reasons. At least that will be the excuse. Personally, I don't want a chip inside me telling ppl what I already know. NWO ppl.


Veteran Expediter
Just wondering if anybody else considers what is going on with the Mexicans to be slavery and indentured servatude.It's just legal because the rich people are in charge of it.Only difference is the African slaves were housed and fed year round and the migrant workers are sent on their way when their controller is done with them.Kind of like the difference between livestock and rented farm equipment.