Detroit SWAT team assaults Mom for taking on the CPS


Veteran Expediter
I read this the other day and found it interesting ... especially after one other poster ad spoken of his belief that the gFed gov would use force and even kill to collect taxes..Another member found that to be a completely ignorant staement...thos might not have been his words, but the tone of his post certainly made that clear...

While this didn't come to bullets being fired, I guess some have forgetten about the heavy handed force used by our government under the gentle guiding hand of janet reno and the Clinton ohh..Ruby Ridge, Waco Tx, and in Mass where the IRS took action to get Edward and Elaine Brown....

But this situation while on the "local" level is soo over the top it isn't even funny..and "SWAT" team and tank to take a chld from her mom because the CPS's said the Gov would never kill any of our citizens to enforce their agenda...

Oh, even though I had read this, andother member sent me the link so it could be posted as she was having issues with posting it from her phone...Here you go Laura, (RoadKing):

Detroit SWAT team assaults African American mom who refused to medicate her daughter with antipsychotic drugs

Friday, April 15, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
Detroit SWAT team assaults African American mom who refused to medicate her daughter with antipsychotic drugs

(NaturalNews) The medical police state is alive and well in Detroit today, where Child Protective Services (CPS) called in the police to aid in their kidnapping of a 13-year-old daughter from an African American mother who refused to medicate her with dangerous psychiatric drugs. As this case is clearly showing, refusing to medicate your children with Big Pharma's mind-altering drugs is now being treated as a felony crime.

Here are the facts of the case:

• Maryanne Godboldo is an African American mother of a teenager daughter. She lives in Detroit. (

• Child Protective Services (CPS) personnel attempted to kidnap Maryanne's 13-year-old daughter. They accused her of not giving her child psychiatric medication prescribed by her doctor.

• Maryanne says the medication caused side effects in her daughter and made her condition worse, which is why she refused to give her daughter the medication.

• The medication was Risperdal, a neuroleptic antipsychotic medication known for causing serious side effects such as abdominal pain, vomiting, aggression, anxiety, dizziness and lack of coordination (Risperdal Side Effects from a Risperdal Lawyer or Attorney!).

Watch the true video of the shocking side effects of Risperdal here:

See a complete list of side effects of psychiatric medications from CCHR:

• When Maryanne refused to let CPS take her daughter away, CPS personnel then called the police, who then smashed down her front door and attempted to raid her home to kidnap her daughter by force.

• The police did NOT have a warrant or any court documents whatsoever granting them any right to enter Maryanne's home, according to Godboldo's attorneys.

• Police say that after they smashed in the front door, Maryanne opened fire on them. (Who wouldn't open fire on a group of armed assailants trying to kidnap their daughter, by the way?)

• A SWAT team was then called in, carrying semiautomatic rifles and sniper gear. A 12-hour standoff ensued.

• Maryanne eventually surrendered to the SWAT team, and the state took her daughter to a psychiatric hospital where she is now being molested by the staff there, her mother says.

• Maryanne Godboldo now faces multiple felony charges: firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

• CPS lied about the child's father's ability to take care of her as a tactic to kidnap her from her mother.

• Community groups in Detroit are now rallying on behalf of the family there, shouting "Free Arianna" (the daughter).

Why Health Freedom is more important now than ever
What you are witnessing here with Maryanne Godboldo is the tyranny of the medical police state and the wicked criminality of Child Protective Services workers who are now front-line enforcers of Big Pharma's deadly agenda to drug our children.

Make no mistake: What's happening today is that the state is now breaking down the doors, assaulting, arresting and imprisoning parents who refuse to medicate their children. This is being accomplished with the use of armed force against innocent victims.

This unholy alliance between Big Pharma, CPS and the police has gone too far. It has become the weapon of medication compliance.

When medicine has become so dangerous, so forceful and so utterly harmful to the People that the state must use bullets and guns to force people to take it, you know it's all gone way too far.

It makes you wonder: What kind of system of medicine is so bad that prescriptions have to be enforced at gunpoint?

That this is happening is not just an assault on Maryann Godboldo, but an assault on our rights and freedoms as sovereign human beings. Do we not have the right to say NO to a medication we don't want our children to take? Do we not have the right to protect our children from kidnappers? Do we not have the right to use firearms in the defense and protection of our homes from armed invaders who are conspiring to kidnap our children?

The real criminals in this case are the CPS workers. They should be brought up on attempting kidnapping charges as well as a criminal conspiracy to commit kidnapping. The gun-toting cops who broke into Maryanne's home and attempted to kidnap her daughter should be arrested and brought up on charges of armed robbery, breaking and entering and conspiracy to commit the felony crime of kidnapping.

And yet, instead, Maryanne is now facing multiple felony charges while the CPS criminals and cops who raided her home are charged with nothing.

Where is the justice in America today? How did medication become something to be enforced with bullets and SWAT teams? And more importantly, how far will this go before this tyranny ends?

Next, will they just line everybody up against a brick wall, and those who can't produce a receipt for medication get a bullet in their heads?

* There is more to this article at the link above. It further editorializes on the authors points and not on the news of the article. I am not saying I agree or disagree with the author in what he is saying, but it certainly is food for thought..

Oh and Layout Shooter, i fully side with you understanding that our govenment has and will use the force of the bullet to govern and control the people....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is only the beginning. It is going to get FAR worse. It would NOT surprise me to see a LOT of armed thugs at the polling places during the 2012 election. The closer the election the more likely it is to occur. Not prosecuting the "New Black Panthers" for their thuggery in Philly last time is just setting the stage.


Veteran Expediter
Regarding her use of force, some state's laws specifically permit (not prohibit, more accurately) individuals' use of force against cops who are exceeding their authority, using excessive force, or making a false arrest. Michigan had such a law...until recently. The following is from Pro Libertate , which has a full write-up on the Goldboldo case.
At present, her prosecution on assault charges is being held in abeyance pending a ruling from the Michigan State Supreme Court in a case "that will determine if residents have the right to defend themselves from police officers entering a home without proper authority," reports the Detroit News.

Embedded in this delay is a critical admission by the prosecution -- namely, that Godboldo is correct in claiming that the CPS raid was conducted without legal authority. Unfortunately -- albeit predictably -- the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that it is, in all circumstances, a "felony" for a Mundane to obstruct or resist the aggressive violence of a police officer acting without lawful authority.

In a 1999 ruling (People v. Wess), the Michigan Court of Appeals, citing the state legal code, admitted that citizens had a right, explicitly protected by state statute, "to use such reasonable force as is necessary to prevent an illegal attachment and to resist an illegal arrest." However, in the dicta of that ruling the court all but begged for either the legislature or the state Supreme Court to change the law:

"We share the concerns of other jurisdictions that the right to resist an illegal arrest is an outmoded and dangerous doctrine, and we urge our Supreme Court to reconsider this doctrine at the first available opportunity.... we see no benefit to continuing the right to resist an otherwise peaceful arrest made by a law enforcement officer, merely because the arrestee believes the arrest is illegal. Given modern procedural safeguards for criminal defendants, the `right' only preserves the possibility that harm will come to the arresting officer or the defendant."

The line about "procedural safeguards" is unfiltered codswallop, of course -- but remember it, because we'll return to it anon.

In 2002, the Michigan state legislature modified the relevant section of the state code (MCL 705.81d) by removing the clause recognizing the common law right to "use such reasonable force as is necessary to prevent" an unlawful arrest (that is, an armed kidnapping) by a police officer.

In a 2004 ruling (People v. Ventura) that dealt with a self-defense claim against an unlawful arrest, the Court of Appeals, in a perfectly nauseating display of mock humility, proclaimed that "it is not within our province to disturb our Legislature's obvious affirmative choice to modify the traditional common-law rule that a person may resist an unlawful arrest."

Of course, the legislature made that "choice" after being invited to do so by the same Court of Appeals.

In the 2008 case headed for the state Supreme Court (People v. Moreno), the Appeals Court observed that "we find no reference to the lawfulness of the arrest or detaining act" in the statute, which "states only that an individual who resists a person the individual knows or has reason to know is performing his duties is guilty of a felony."

As the Michigan Court of Appeals acknowledged, the Common Law recognizes an unqualified right to resist an unlawful arrest. The Constitution -- for whatever it's worth -- reinforces that right by placing due process impediments (such as the necessity of obtaining search warrants) on the ability of armed hirelings in government-issued costumes to inflict themselves on their betters. But the Court of Appeals -- like every statist body of its kind -- insists that the costume trumps the Common Law and the Constitution.

Now let's return to the notion that the right to resist arrest has become "outmoded" because of the "procedural safeguards" that supposedly protect criminal defendants. Ariana Godboldo has never been charged with a crime; neither had her mother, until she engaged in a heroic but doomed effort to protect her child from an assault on their home that the prosecution now tacitly admits was unlawful.

As Elena Andron and countless other parents have learned, there are no procedural safeguards for parental rights or the individual rights of children once the CPS intervenes.

The federally subsidized child "protection" universe is a joint production of Lenin, Kafka and Salvador Dali in which power means everything, facts and law mean nothing, and the contours of "reality" are warped in the service of self-enraptured bureaucrats.

Unless a parent is a person of means and influence, like Mike Ratte, active resistance
may be the only way to keep his child or children from disappearing into the CPS Archipelago once the family comes to the attention of the child-snatchers. Ideally, this would mean pro-active measures to conceal a targeted child, or to provide for the child's escape in the event the child-nappers arrive.

As the abduction of Ariana Godboldo demonstrates, the child "protection" apparatus is literally at war with American parents, and police are prepared to murder any parent determined to keep his children out of the hands of those who can drug them, starve them, and molest them with impunity.

Our very own municipal police demonstrate the eagerness with which our self-proclaimed masters will utilize force. They got tasers, and now they're tasing everybody in sight, including senior citizens and 10-year-old children and others that they'd have no trouble subduing by laying their hands on.


Veteran Expediter

I wonder how the Michigan court ruling would be applied if an individual was unaware that the people invading their residence were law enforcement personal and defended themselves accordingly ?



Veteran Expediter
There is more to the story than this. The women made threats, shot at cops and she was warned about her behavior at other times.

IT wasn't all about not giving her kid meds.

The swat team was called in after she made the threats by the way.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I wonder if she WAS being required to drug her kids? Does CPS need a warrant to enter a home? If not, why not? What would give them "special" authority to enter a persons home? I also wonder if we will ever learn 100% of the story.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I wonder if she WAS being required to drug her kids? Does CPS need a warrant to enter a home? If not, why not? What would give them "special" authority to enter a persons home? I also wonder if we will ever learn 100% of the story.


Veteran Expediter
Gee Greg, that is all listed in the what more is there?? And she didn't use the gun until after the swat team broke down her door...

• Police say that after they smashed in the front door, Maryanne opened fire on them.

So I'll take it that she was protecting her daughter, her property and herself from a SWAT TEAM with fully automatic weapons....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What about punishing the agency that invaded with out a warrant ? Thats unlikely to happen.


Never happen. The government now believes that it can do whatever, whenever they like. It is going to lead to someone getting killed. The loss of freedom is staggering. We all lose. Even the kids that they are "claiming" to protect.


Veteran Expediter
Never happen. The government now believes that it can do whatever, whenever they like. It is going to lead to someone getting killed. The loss of freedom is staggering. We all lose. Even the kids that they are "claiming" to protect.

Grandmother in Atlanta Ga. would agree with you. Police got the address wrong on a warrant invaded her home shootout resulted police officers wounded the Grandmother was injured. I am not sure if she died or not.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Grandmother in Atlanta Ga. would agree with you. Police got the address wrong on a warrant invaded her home shootout resulted police officers wounded the Grandmother was injured. I am not sure if she died or not.


If we are talking about the same thing it took place in November, 2006. Link to that story below. Come through my door that way and there are likely to be dead cops. Theirs vest won't stop what I will be shooting.

Police: Shooting Of Elderly Woman "Tragic, Unfortunate" - News Story - WSB Atlanta


Veteran Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Gee Dennis, I got that part but you all don't get something else - YOU don't need a warrant to take a child into custody, read up on your family law.


Veteran Expediter
No Greg I totally understad the CPS has the power of God and can pretty much dp as they want, right or wrong....but a SWAT TEAM armed and kicking in doors...and then the reason for taking the child was unfounded as proven by the CPS doctors after the fact..the case worker was wrong...imagine that...a CPS social worker made a mistake...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, Greg, the law may say one thing, but if ANY government agency, from ANY level of government came into MY house with out a warrant there would be a great need of body bags. :mad: My house is MINE and NO government agency is coming in like that.


Veteran Expediter
Gee Dennis, I got that part but you all don't get something else - YOU don't need a warrant to take a child into custody, read up on your family law.
That would be incorrect. They still can't enter without a warrant.

I had been reading numerous stories about CPS goons demanding entrance into a home, having the cops present, making threats, etc. They would sometimes say they only wanted to take a look at the home, but if the family denied them entrance, they would take the child. Then the cop would make some threats and try to intimidate the family into allowing the CPS goon in without a warrant, and usually, that would work. Then, finally, I found the story that confirmed it. It cited a court case that confirmed that CPS can't enter a home without a warrant. That was a couple years ago, so I don't have the reference.

Now, whether they can kidnap a child from elsewhere, say school, with less oversight, I don't know. But a kidnapping's a kidnapping, and should be treated as such.

I don't know what pathology this is that makes you support anything the government wants to do, in violation of our rights. You do know that we're superior to them, right?

I was just reading a story today on Pro Libertate that detailed how cops, acting like the goons they are, busted up a funeral in NJ because someone there had an epileptic seizure and 911 was called. Unfortunately, the cops are sent as well, and all too often, they end up "helping someone to death." The writer, a man whose intellect dwarfs every post-er I've read here, ends with notice to cops (and I enlarge it in scope to include CPS):

We don't need you.

We don't want you.

We don't respect you.

We won't tolerate you much longer.


Veteran Expediter
There is more to the story than this. The women made threats, shot at cops and she was warned about her behavior at other times.

IT wasn't all about not giving her kid meds.

The swat team was called in after she made the threats by the way.
Threats sound like a pretty measured, reasonable response.

"We're going to give your child this dangerous medicine."

"No, you're not. She's not your child."

"All children belong to the state, so yes, we are."

"If you do that, I'll..."

Sounds pretty reasonable. Any parent who wouldn't do as she did is a piece of trash who doesn't deserve a child.