Demo's vs: US Military


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Democrats have complained about how long the Iraq war took, but it took less
time than former Attorney General Janet Reno took to take the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. That was a 51-day operation.

It took less time to find evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq than it took
Hillary Clinton to find Rose Law Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and Marines to destroy the
Medina Republican Guard than it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after
his Oldsmobile sunk at Chappaquiddick.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in Florida in

Our military is great.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Seems we have some people here that can only attack a person or speak their peace behind closed doors. This post has nothing to do with my political choice and for all you know reddfeather1 I may be a Demo or a libertarian, like you. If I was I would surely change to the winning side. Just so all the members know what I am talking about I will copy the rating I received from this person, whom may I add, didn't have the guts (or so it seems) to reply to the post. Maybe now that I posted it he will come out of the closet. As for the -2!!! I would take a minus any day speaking my mind and promoting this site, by posting thing that may make someone comfortable enough to spark a reply from them. Here is the comment reddfeather1 sent me: HA HA HA!!!:

redddfeather1 - I'm neither "Demo" or "Repub". I am libertarian. I'm sick of the polarization of the Limbaugh and Allred types in this country. The former Soviet Union already tried a 1 party system and failed. I'm for more concensus and keeping the dam gov'nt off our backs. You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you're off base on this one

These above statements my friend are facts. "AGAIN I SAY, PRAISE OUR MILITARY"!!! "Our military is great"!!! You are the one making it political, mr. libertarian. Maybe you need to read and comprehend before you judge???


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Mornin' Teacel! I was going to leave this one alone, but a quote came to mind: "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,
than to open it and remove all doubt." I wish I could remember the
person that originally said it.


Expert Expediter
My rating of you had nothing to do with guts, but everything to do with addressing you in a professional way and not making any personal attacks against you on the public side of this forum. I could care less what your political affiliation is or is not. I do care about fact not just "half-fact" and I am intimidated by no one. Feel free to air anything you wish to air in this public arena-----that's what makes the U.S.system great.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good evening Mike!!! Glad to see you are still live and well. I haven’t heard from you in a coon’s age? Hope all is okay? Did you make that move? Send me an update, please? AND YES!!! Very good advice Mike, about zipping up one’s mouth, I will do just that.

Reddfeather1! I take it your statement "I do care about fact not just half-fact" means I didn’t post any fact about the Republicans? If you would please, give an explanation or your opinion of the post being off base? Do you not agree that we have a great Military?


Expert Expediter
Yes sir, I'm in total agreement with you that we have a great military. Perhaps I am misreading your statements about the end of the war in Iraq and the finding of chemical weapons. If you're talking about the present war and not the 1st Gulf War, the war is indeed not over. Furthermore, there is; from what I'm understanding, only questionable evidence of chemical and biological weaponry found thus far. This sir, is what I make reference to, in what admittedly, was a round-about-way. And although I'm in agreement with you about our Armed Services, my heart gets broken every night that I see 19-20 something widows from Ft. Carson and elswhere, infants and toddlers in arms, grieving for their spouses who made that ultimate sacrifice. I spent 10 years with VA Medical services and witnessed war vets being treated as if they were animals, so please forgive me if I'm a little hypersensitive about this subject--I mean no disrespect. DieselDiva hit the nail on the head with her post.........


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Reddfeather, Thanks for your clarification of why you felt I was off base.

The only reason I posted the thread in the first place was to get a comeback from DD. If you ever saw her sig at the end of some of her posts it said “ Military Mom and Proud of it” I believe she has every right to be.

I received that in an email and thought it would be a nice bunch of flowers to her. The Military part!
I also think when the author of the email meant about the war being over, he or she meant Bush declaring that the war in Iraq was over in that short time frame. I too don’t believe the war today is over. I comment daily to others how badly our government is, (or so I think) and I would love to see someone, anyone (maybe all the real people) intervene and take over and then maybe run this country the right way, or my way. BUT then I ask, whose way is really the right way? Is it my way or their way??? +2


Veteran Expediter
Thanks Tony, I did enjoy the flowers. Irregardless of one's political views, it's nice to see others agree that we have an awsome military! Too bad more of us couldn't separate those things during the Vietnam era and support our troops in spite of our feelings about our government.
Maybe the person writing this email was talking about the short time it took for the regime to fall rather than implying that the war was over. I'd better not get started on all this, I might not be able to stop!
It's hilarious that I come home today and find this post. Someone just asked me today about moderating this forum and my response was that it wasn't a problem, that everyone seems to behave themselves and I haven't had to remove a post! SHEESH!!!!!! Leave it to my buddy Tony to stir up controversy while I'm on the road, TRYING TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding buddy, you know how I feel about having the freedom to express ourselves, that's part of what these forums are here for. I just think sometimes we respond to other's posts too quickly without enough thought and we end up saying things that may not sound the way we really meant them to, I know I've done this here more times than I'd like to recall! Anyway, you know what they say about politics and religion!
Redddfeather, I so agree with you about how hard it is to see the children and spouses of those lost. I have one child left in the military and I pray I'll never have to go through that. I also experience some amount of guilt that my family has been so blessed.
I don't know what the answers are to this war but I hope and pray that someone will step up to the plate with the answers soon.



Expert Expediter
Not sure where you get your news, facts, figures from but i doubt that our troops in Iraq would agree with you about the war being over just yet since they're still fighting and dying daily. In fact, since Bush said it was over in may, there have been more U.S. personel killed than before.


Expert Expediter
As a member of the military, I can say that the predominatly Democrat theory of "Not supporting the war, but we support the troops" is total BS. If you are not behind what I am doing when my boots are on the ground in another country, then so be, it, but DO NOT try and sound patriotic by saying you support me while going to war protests at the same time. I do not need support like that.

You may not like the president, but do not allow that to filter into your thinking on the war. Lots of terrorists from countries other than Iraq fighting our troops there right now. Would you rather be fighting them in Iraq, or Manhatten? And as far as the deaths over there, even if we were fighting and dying on a 1 to 1 ratio, it sure as hell beats the crap out of a 19 to 3,000 ratio.

That may sound cold hearted, and mean, but facts are facts, and war is a terrible business. Either you choose to fight and win, or you are set up to fail. If you were able to talk to any of the troops that have died, I am confident you will find that most if not all were behind what we are doing 100%, and they have a much better idea of what that country was/is like since they are living it, not seeing 1/2 the story through a biased view portrayed by media.

Democrats seemed to support the war whole heartedly intil the election campaigns started for the 2004 presidential elections, they are now pissing and moaning, and in the process pissing off not only a lot of troops, but "average Americans" as well. A lot of people I know have bee really turned off by some of the comments made by Democrat Presidential Candidates.



Veteran Expediter
Aviator, I agree with you 100% about just WHERE we're going to fight this war. Had we been able to finish the gulf war, we might not be suffering this one today. I guess some will never "get it" until we're fighting these battles in every major city in this country! If we do not learn from the past, we're doomed to repeat it!



Expert Expediter
I'd like to add that the reason we did not "finish" Desert Storm, was that the UN mandate we had was to liberate Kuwait. We did that, and we were stopped by the commander in chief. He was trying to work with the UN, and see where it got us. Now, people are having coniptions, because we are not "involving" the UN more.

Sure we should involve them more, just as soon as an airplaine flies into their building in NYC.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I was going to stay out of this one but as a ex US Army Grunt (7th Cav) I feel that the liberals in our country and the protestors of our Presidents policies have their heads in the sand. I have a neighbor who bitches that G Bush is taking away some of his freedoms. I said " I bet a lot of people on September 11,2001 would be happy to have had some of their freedoms taken away". I simply don!t understand these folks.What do they want. Will they be happy to see America in flames.It could happen. My wife has a cousin whose son was in the Marines and particpated in campaigns in Afganistan and Iraq,. He said "the local people were OVERJOYED to have us there,why doesn!t the media report that". They go out of their way to find fault with the US Military,who also protects them.Really gets to you.Sometimes I wonder ,does the America have a future,or will we rot away internally.


OVM Project Manager
I WAS going to stay out of this because when I was a little girl, I learned that politics and religion were topics that REALLY livened up our dinner table. BUT I've just got to say this. I support our troops and believe in what they are doing to preserve our freedoms. I just can't wave my flag high enough for our servicemen! it or LEAVE it!​