I have a question about delivery times. Do most companies give you reasonable time to deliver? I realize expedited freight is just that, expedited! Just curious how much extra slack time you get to compensate for traffic, road constuction, weather, etc. Years ago when I was hauling household goods, they'd have us loading one shipment one day and another the next day half way across the state, things got pretty hectic at times. Once we were EB on IH-10 just past Orange,TX, and they shut the freeway down while they pulled a tanker back up on the road that had run into the bayou. They said it'd only be about 30 minutes, no problem. so we sat, and sat and sat, finally about 3 hours later we were on our way. Anyway I was wondering if the dispatchers pretty much leave you alone or start bugging if you get behind schedule. Are you penalized for a late delivery if it's caused by weather or an accident blocking the hwy or something like that, where you're not really at fault. Tom,(Soon to be an-ex bus driver and lookin' for a fleet owner).