Delivery times..............


Seasoned Expediter
I have a question about delivery times. Do most companies give you reasonable time to deliver? I realize expedited freight is just that, expedited! Just curious how much extra slack time you get to compensate for traffic, road constuction, weather, etc. Years ago when I was hauling household goods, they'd have us loading one shipment one day and another the next day half way across the state, things got pretty hectic at times. Once we were EB on IH-10 just past Orange,TX, and they shut the freeway down while they pulled a tanker back up on the road that had run into the bayou. They said it'd only be about 30 minutes, no problem. so we sat, and sat and sat, finally about 3 hours later we were on our way. Anyway I was wondering if the dispatchers pretty much leave you alone or start bugging if you get behind schedule. Are you penalized for a late delivery if it's caused by weather or an accident blocking the hwy or something like that, where you're not really at fault. Tom,(Soon to be an-ex bus driver and lookin' for a fleet owner).


Veteran Expediter
50 mph take it or leave it.... Traffic there goes your lunch break, accident no naps got the picture.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The industry standard is 45mph. For example, if your mileage from the shipper to consignee is 450 miles the company will tell the customer to allow ten hours drive time. Some will vary from this, but it's a pretty good rule of thumb.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Panther allots 45 minutes for loading and 47mph for drive time so a 470 mile run would be 10:45 from shipper to receiver.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
If you run into any delay, whether traffic or weather, keep your dispatcher advised - it can't be held against you if it's legitimately not your fault, but you need to let them know what & where the delay is. :)


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks for the info! I'd be right to assume that if a load was going say 700 or 800 miles it would be offered to a team vs. a solo, or would they tell the customer the driver will need to clear hours enroute and give it to the solo? Tom.


Retired Expediter
Yep. They'd prolly find a team first and if no team were available then a solo with a cross dock set-up bout half way, IF the customer needed it right away. Thats for C's and D's, for a van it's go straight thru.


Seasoned Expediter
They are suppose to but I got refusals Friday on a load that was to pickup at 16:30 it was sent out at 16:15 it was also 230 miles away and 60% of the trip 2 lane the rest was Network and NYC traffic they resent the load as a swap at a swap dock picking up at 17:30 like it would make any difference being 225 miles out still makes a guy wonder if they had some one to take it to a cross dock how come no one down there to take it all the way? That’s not the first time I saw some thing like that at Panther either 2 months ago I got dispatched on a load near Indianapolis IN and I was near Columbus OH asked me to do them a favor and go get this load and run it the pick up time was close but no way could make the time told them I’d try but doubt could make it so I was 19 miles out they sent over that they bumped the time because I was running late. I was as far as I could go on interstate rest was 2 lane at 10mins to PU I did make the 15min window but still got a service failure because they felt they had to bump the time! Which I asked them to do in the first place so I didn’t get a failure but no. yeah I could of turned it down but was told they wouldn’t hold it against me but guess what next day my % went down so much for doing favors seems I get $#@$# every time.

Still in upstate NY yeah think I’m a resident now!


Retired Expediter
makes ya kinda wonder if the dispatchers brain is connected to the top of the spine or the bottom?;)


Seasoned Expediter
at times I do wonder about that seems like every time I get a load it is around 600 to 800 + and being Iam solo Iam always running under radar as I am given less then 24 hours to do this in it is normaly aroud 16 to 18 hours .....still havent found that clock that stops for the 10 hour sleep time ...and more then once dispatch has said you cant stop your be late.....always thought it was aginst the law to tell a Driver to go beyond the allowed deiving time guess dispatch has own rule books but I got smarter now I am going to be turning the more then 600 miles loads down if not enough time not going to kill Myself or anyone else over freight guess shipper and suppliers need to talk better We arent flying planes here


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
tlang563 asked, "...I was wondering if the dispatchers pretty much leave you alone or start bugging if you get behind schedule. Are you penalized for a late delivery if it's caused by weather or an accident blocking the hwy or something like that, where you're not really at fault."

In our experience with FedEx Custom Critical, you can absolutely depend on the dispatchers or their computers to start bugging you if you get behind schedule. It will come in the form of Qualcomm messages and then phone calls if you do not respond to the Qualcomm messages. The answer you give will determine whether or not they keep bugging you.

If you overslept, or stopped to do the laundry, or simply decided to deliver at a time more convenient to you, you will be in a pickle with dispatch. But for things out of your control like traffic or weather, dispatch will adjust the delivery time.

The idea is to keep you safe on the road. It is one of the reasons we chose FedEx. Whatever the traffic or weather may be, we have never once been pushed by a dispatcher to proceed in an unsafe manner or to make up time on the road by exceeding the speed limit.


Expert Expediter
Question. Acme mower co. needs parts delivered by 11 am to keep line running. Parts are on your truck and you arrive at 11:25 am because of bad weather and accident. Amce charges your co. 8000 dollars for lost production due to line down 25 minutes. Who pays the bill?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Most likely the insurance company pays the bill. If the driver keeps dispatch informed of verifiable circumstances beyond the driver's control it's not his problem. I had a run for Caterpillar in Lafayette. Coming down 65 I got to about mile 193 headed south. We came to a complete stop. A half mile ahead of me a tanker was on it's side. We sat there for 9.5 hours until they pumped the alcohol from that tanker into a different tanker and drug the carcass off the interstate. I only needed to get to exit 175. I told dispatch and they confirmed with the Indiana State Police. I got an on time delivery credit when I showed up at Caterpillar. Keep dispatch informed. That's the key issue.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.