Delaware suggestions please


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm picking up later today to deliver to Seaford, DE on Monday morning. My preliminary shows me arriving around 20:00 Sunday evening. I've never been to Delaware before so I'm looking for suggestions of a good place to overnight. Also, my Streets and Trips shows me going through DC. Is that going to be a problem? Thanks for any and all suggestions.

truck 4958

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Expert Expediter
LDB..if your going to Seaford you'll be going S on 113. I make that run every day in a Dump Trk and see most drivers pulled over along the road just south of the toll booth in Dover.
The only other place that I've seen trucks is in the WalMart in Milford.(open 24 hrs)which is about 20 minures south of the toll booth.
It's mostly chicken farms down there.
DC shouldn't be a problem if you avoid rush hour.


Staff member

One thing that is worth a stop is any "Nathans Famous" - can somebody say "East Coast Style"!


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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The assistant manager of the Walmart here in Seaford told me to stay on their parking lot so here I am. It's about 5 miles to my delivery point so not bad.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.