I'd pat you on the back but your hand is in the way. Also be careful not to trip on your ego today.
Ontario van boy is awesome! <<< Sarcasm for those that couldn't tell.
@ home. I'm considering giving up expedite at this time due to health concerns. I really need to go see a physical therapist due to neck and back problems. I'll be making a decision shortly, but I need some time to think it over. It's bills vs. a disability check. and the bills are winning....
@ home. I'm considering giving up expedite at this time due to health concerns. I really need to go see a physical therapist due to neck and back problems. I'll be making a decision shortly, but I need some time to think it over. It's bills vs. a disability check. and the bills are winning....
Consider this you being told...bacon, and now boy? I will make sure you are on the
outside looking in...Sir<<<<sarcasm noted...
if that's a threat to boot me from site i truly could care less! My life went on before it and will go on after it. Do what you feel you need to do, boy! I've said my piece. Have a great day, bacon boy!
Yeah, that's the dilema I'm in. I really don't want to be "mooching" off of the Obama checks when I can still drive, but in my current status if I don't get this neck or back taken care of soon I may be permanently disabled....And you're right, $800 doesn't cover crap. and my E1 paycheck wasn't covering the bills either when I was only getting 5-700 miles per week. I can make more money delivering pizzas. LOL