Daiimler/Chrysler exporting jobs


Veteran Expediter
Last week I read of D/C building a Freightliner/Sterling plant in Mexico employing 1,600 Mexicans after laying off workers here . Now I read they are bringing out larger Dodge trucks that will also be built in a plant employing 2,000 Mexicans . German company manufacturing in Mexico . Time to start looking more at International and KW .


Veteran Expediter

I don't get it.Why do we have the illegal immigrant problem.All the jobs are moving down there but the workers keep moving up here.If big businesses keep sending job to Mexico maybe we should all move down there and send our earnings back to our families in the USA.

And why is Mexico still considered a poor country?They have to be getting close to having the same GDP as the US.


Veteran Expediter
And look at how China is prospering . One reason diesel fuel is so high is the increased demand in China . The more the U.S. gets involved in foreign trade the more it works against us .


Veteran Expediter

Yes D-C does not care, they are a foriegn company.

Mexico is a corrupt country, like North Korea and USSR - it keeps it citizens suppressed and prevents them from prospering.

Also just an FYI, the 2005 GDP for mexico was $768,437M but the US was $12,455,825M accroding to the IMF, we are number 2 behind the big bad EU.


Veteran Expediter
DUH! does this come as a surprize?

They use to make wise cracks about this funny sounding guy (ROSS PEROT)who preached over and over..........SAY NO TO NAFTA......now it may be to late to reverse the damage already done!

The only way we can slow this problem down is to throw the owners
of companys that hire the ilegals in jail not their managers.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Welcome to the Global market-place. B4 long, Detroit will be a casino only town, secured by armed guards everywhere.
Does anyone really wonder why there is so much rate cutting in our business? The ones that started the spot bidding, and they know who they are, are responsible. The chickens are coming home to roost...


Expert Expediter
These large corporations move their plants down there for one simple reason, the cost of labor is a fraction of what it is up here. Even with the added cost of moving raw materials in and the finished product back out its still a bargain for them. They couldnt care less about the traditional American worker, all that matters is their bottom line.


Veteran Expediter
Not even half of it is cost of labor. Taxes. North Carolina is at the top of the list in the Southeast for taxing to death its people and employers.

Where did these people get laid off? What Plant? The largest # right here in North Carolina. Mt. Holly and Gastonia. Now we get to watch the news about whats a person to do?

Thank you Govenor, and Ms. Sue Myrick. Great job at running off every and anything good tht comes along to benefit this state.


Veteran Expediter
After D/C had invested heavily in the Mercedes SUV plant in AL I started wondering if something happened there to discourage further U.S. investments by D/C . I googled for info on that plant and sure enough there was a problem . Earning over $26 an hour wasn't enough . They decided to unionize .


Seasoned Expediter
We have a Sterling plant just down the road, so this was front page news in our paper this week. They are apparently building this new plant near the one that makes the Dodge Ram pick-ups. Those workers make $150US/week, compared to the $1000US+/week the workers here make. We've got 650 or so going on lay-off this spring.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not even close. They have oil revenue and that's about it. Dirt poor and a corrupt, wealthy ruling elite just like we do. All companies are international, and they all send jobs to the cheapest bidder. They invest new plants and equipment in third world countries, with little taxes and new roads etc., then truck or ship by container, the stuff around the world. Just the facts! Sometimes they bring jobs back, like Lionel did, or Ford-Brazil diesel engines, because of inflation or worker uprisings...


Seasoned Expediter
Broompilot you are exactly right part of the problem is taxes,look what is going on in Michigan.Businesses will not add jobs in states that tax to death,thats why Michigan lost the new Honda plant that is going to Indiana.Granholm is a joke and the UAW voted her in again,go figure.Michigan has the highest forclosure rate and the highest unemployment rate in the US.Those UAW members will be moving to Mexico to find their high paying Jobs!


Expert Expediter
Sooner or later US Manufacturing will not exist except for possibly areospace/military type MFG. My folks own some apartment complexes that used to be fully rented in Marlette Michigan, mostly to GM workers now they are only 30 percent rented. Its a Ghost town.

Wasn't it Delphi? thats moving its plants to Korea? Direct TV moved its Op center to Transalvania or Romania? What should be scarey is that if a big war breaks out in China we wont be able to make anything unless they have a quick start program set up over here.

This is a statistic from Westinghouse, lightbulbs that come out of their China factory have a 46 percent fail rate within the first 2 weeks of use? but in the money they lose its still cheaper than US production...Very sad What happened to US quality?


Veteran Expediter
"What should be scarey is that if a big war breaks out in China we wont be able to make anything unless they have a quick start program set up over here."

Duke, I did a position paper for the big pharma company in 2002 about outsourcing processing of critical data over in india/pakistan region.

My conclusion was that the risk outweighs savings by saying that the stability of the region is risky and if tipped to a war between the two countires may not only affect our ablity to process the data for the studies we were conducting but also affect the country with the bank processing, order processing and other processing of confidential data taking place over there. What is really scary is that their laws do not have safeguards in them that will protect our data and if someone gets your info, you are screwed. I need to find that report and post it on my site.


Retired Expediter
The imploding has already started...from an outsider looking in...

1. I see illegal imigrant safe haven cities now (new Haven CT. Newark NJ) illegal banned citys( Lancaster PA)
City against city state against state...sound formiliar? And the Federal Gov is doing nothing about it????

2.I see the DHS getting more powerful all the time...with almost no controls...(SS? papers Please)

The nation is slowly dividing...side one..those who think the U.S can stand on thier own. Isolationists I'll call them .We are great We are powerful syndrome. And ya know who you are.

Side two Global thinkers...an intigrated world a global economy a seemless movement of goods between countries.

Why is it big business and the Gov is in global thinking mode but the people aren't?

Like it or not the implosion has started...you can deny it all you want..but it's going to happen. History will repeat itself. If you build walls and fences then obviously its you that are trapped within it? The rest of the world will go on without you.

You flag wavers can jump all over my butt....But you can't ignore whats going on in the world...open your eyes and see!

Personally it took me years to understand Global economy. I didn't like seeing Canadian jobs going south...Our Can doctors and nurses going to the U.S. Our jobs to Mexico and Asia. We too lost alot of good paying jobs to not only the U.S but Asia as well. Sometime Natioal pride can get in the way of progress and properity by limiting our future to just us. Its a big world out there jump on it OR you see that moon out there all by itself? Thats you looking in.....Is that what you want?
We'll take a loss in the short term but over all it's the best thing.

The U.S or Canada can not stand alone anymore.


Veteran Expediter

I think the main problem with a global econimy is that corporations will be in control of everything.They are not the most trust worthy people.

I understand Microsofts idea of haveing parts made all over the world will help keep peace.If China attacks Taiwan then they both loses financially because the parts that China makes needs the parts that Taiwan makes. But what happens when China comes up with its own computer that doesn't need Taiwan's parts. Or Microsoft decides they don't like the leader of a country and to get rid of him they start a war.

Corporate officers are not elected and answer to their shareholders only.Capitalism has its problem and IMHO should not be the only system for the whole world.We will have nothing to compare too to see if we are taking the right course.There will never be "The road less taken" everybody will be going down the same road and we will never know there was a fork in the road.


Veteran Expediter

I don’t believe in the flat earth theories a.k.a. what is defined as a global economy today, because there are things that are hidden within the theory that is detrimental to ones individuality. Individuality is the basis for all of our rights and actually the main key to capitalism – freedom of choice.

Isolationist, you can tag me with that but until you see it from a big business stand point and the pitfalls of what a global society has to offer, than it is far better to live in an isolated society than to live without true rights and freedoms.

I know that there is a big difference between the US and the rest of the world (I will sort of explain later). I am first a citizen of the US, and second a person who lives in the world.

I am not a citizen of the world.

My allegiance is with my country, not the rest of the world. I feel that my country, for better or worst is not dependent on what other countries think about the US but rather feel that they should be concern about what we think of them. We are the consumers and the monetary fund that fuels the world.

Is national pride, want for a better life and unfettered freedoms something that can be called isolationism?

Most likely it is by many peoples definition of what an isolationist is but the real basis for what people deem as important in life and for the country it don’t matter because to be an isolationist means that we as a country are not the worlds police, we do not fund programs or provide aid for other parts of the world and we do not participate in anything that is not in our national interest.

But the fact is we are losing jobs, revenue and other things that are important for a leader to have and we are not by any means an isolated country.

A lose of jobs has many causes but don’t forget that the driving force for companies moving is the tax system we have and labor cost which is triggered by the consumer.

I mean that look at some of the taxes that these companies pay when in a tax free international zone. Also we want cheap stuff, the basis for consumptionism in our country – the Wal-Mart syndrome (which by the way is two of our best exports – consumptionism and the Wal-Mart syndrome). If our country, the US that is, would experiment with a change (serious change) to the tax system, I would bet a number of jobs would actually stay here. Changing consumer’s habits would be a lot harder to do.

Another addition to this picture is that the big companies are not the prime employers of the country, small businesses are. By changing the tax system to promote making money instead of penalizing the achiever, things will flourish.

There are two major issues that are a concern with moving, outsourcing, globalization of the economy or what ever you call it;

The first thing that is lost is tax revenue, locally, state and nationally through the revenue that is generated by the jobs people have. Look at how many states (Michigan for one) and cities (Detroit for another) who have been struggling with a loss in tax revenue. In the case of Michigan, we have a huge labor pool but no incentive for businesses to move here because of the taxes we have in this state. What really suffers is the education system because of the debasing of tax revenues and right now we have a very very poor education system which is in need of some very serious changes.

The second thing is laws are not harmonized for equality. We see this with the Mexican trucking question, where do our rights start and theirs end on this issue. We as truck drivers question the need for a Mexican truck to drive anywhere when their licensing system, accountability system and safety system don’t come close to what we had in the 1950’s. If you look at this fight, whom the players are and what effect this will actually have on our society, you should see that it is not a good thing unless all things are equal.

The issue of sovereignty is a huge one. There is more to this than flag waving, there is something really negative about tearing down the barriers to gain access to any country for the betterment of any company and preventing people from having pride, a human nature, in the country that they belong to.

As for national pride, I can point to the EU and the internal fight going on between France and the rest of the EU over ‘fair’ trade and France’s idea that the EU laws don’t apply to their businesses because of “national prideâ€. Once the flat earth theory is applied as it is used in Europe with EU, countries lose their identity, their uniqueness and eventually their “national pride†all over the need to have a combined ‘all for one’ political eco-social system covering the entire continent without borders.

I do not agree with “Like it or not the implosion has started...you can deny it all you want. But it's going to happen. History will repeat itself. If you build walls and fences then obviously its you that are trapped within it? The rest of the world will go on without you.â€

One reason I disagree is that the world needs access to our economy, not the other way around. There is no implosion. The world is not going to pass us up and what we have been the place to sell and we will be for many years to come. If we allow unfettered access to our country without borders, we will end up having more issues with deflation and the strength of our dollar. There is a well established method to control this and we use it as a border, it is called import tariffs.

But with that said, on the world political stage we have to deal with little competition and a lot of jealousy, remember that;
• Our monetary system, our business environment and our political system is still and will remain number one simply because of our stability in comparison to the rest of the world.

• Our research, our progress with science and technology and our institutes of higher learning are still number one with their output of ideas, innovations and patents still higher than any other country.

• Our production rate, our ability to adjust to changes and our ‘can do’ attitude is still number one. For this alone, I have faced a lot of criticism from my former French colleagues who said we; work to hard, we don’t know how to have fun and our 40 hour work week standard is akin to slavery. My response was what has the French produced in the last 60 years outside of the NAZI party, Citroen 2CV and Dijon mustard?

You can call this all flag waving, but it is the truth and a cause for the hatred from other countries who struggle, like France and the EU with simple issues – they still haven’t figured out the idea behind immigration let alone how to be productive. The brits as great as they are, just figured out how to build things without hand fitting parts only 50 years ago when we have been doing that since 1798. I can give you hundreds of other examples but I will give you one, Boeing and AirBus.

I am trying to figure out what ‘history’ will be repeated?

I mean when in history have we had this type of economic system where walls and fences trap us in? I can’t see this after reviewing my sources and books.

You can argue that building a wall on the Mexican border will stop Hollywood access to cheap labor for their lawns and domestic help, which to some is a bad thing to have a wall but reality is that opening the border without a clear path to access, we open our society to more abuse and a lowering to our standard of living.

I love the comparison of the Berlin wall that has been made by the Mexican president the other day. No one seemed to tell him that there is a big political difference between the countries and trying to keep an oppressed population in a country in comparison to trying to stop an invasion.


Retired Expediter
Nothing wrong with country pride at all in fact it should be encouraged more then it is! But pride has to be in oneself first before it can be passed along.
I somewhat get offended when someone calls Canada a socialist country it smells of communism. We have social programs. We Canadians chose to have our healthcare administered by the government. Our healthcare is NOT free by any standard we pay thru everything we purchase, our paychecks. We as a people chose to help keep the less fortunate off the streets. Subsidized daycare so single parents and the disabled with low paying jobs can be more self-sufficent and have a sense of pride of doing it almost themselves and someday be able to cut the rope of help. This is the Canadian way and we like our way. You Americans have your way and you must like it that way. As a free peoples we respect each others way of doing things and thats where the freedom of choice comes in. Our way, your way...theres no wrong way, just a different way.

Thanks for the info gregg:)


Expert Expediter
>Well I'll be........
>That Ross Perot was on to something when he spoke of that
>"giant sucking sound".

I always thought the "giant sucking sound from the south" was all the welfare checks going to New Orleans....pre-Katrina.