Cut/GUT the Military Budget??????


Veteran Expediter
BTW, didja know:

U.S. military spending (DOD plus nuclear weapons) is equal (roughly, but actually slightly more) to the military spending of ...... the next 15 countries combined.

That would be China, Russia, Brittain, France, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, India, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, and the Netherlands .....

That's C-O-M-B-I-N-E-D

The United States accounts for 47 percent of the world’s total military spending ...... however the U.S.’s share of the world's GDP is only about 21 percent.

The U.S. outspends Iran and North Korea in military spending by a ratio of 72 to one.

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Veteran Expediter
Think I would cut all Federal employees pay long before the military.
I would wholeheartedly agree - the guys who are willing to lay down their lives to defend this nation are grossly underpaid ..... while most of the remaining Federal employees are generally way overpaid .....

Something ain't right with that picture ....


Veteran Expediter
Greg it has always been the infantry man, nothing new.

But that's the thing, it isn't the way a lot in the public and the media talk about. It is the drones, it is the satellite imaging and so on. No one seems to understand the need for people on the ground.

What would you call it?

Actually the tactics used by both the french and english were outdated by the time the war started. The english have recently been examining the need to even enter the war in 1914, some historians say that it was a mistake and the french should have just been left to fall which would have been better for all involved.

Nothing news worthy in that statement.

Oh excuse me. The attitude has been the same for a while, we need technology to replace people so people do not get FILL IN THE BLANK . A perfect example is the TSA and the Border. They insist on using technology (body scanners and smart fences) to do a job people should be doing. Profiling and putting people on the boarder armed to kill is the right thing, not watching some monitor or padding down someone. The size of the R&D expenditures are outrageous for a lot of military things that never even get to be purchased by the military.

Are you really going to say that you read the military budget?

NO I read the GAO's and the CBO's summary of the budget. They list every foreign appropriation in the reports, among the other stuff I mentioned.


Expert Expediter
BTW, didja know:

U.S. military spending (DOD plus nuclear weapons) is equal (roughly, but actually slightly more) to the military spending of ...... the next 15 countries combined.

That would be China, Russia, Brittain, France, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, India, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, and the Netherlands .....

That's C-O-M-B-I-N-E-D

The United States accounts for 47 percent of the world’s total military spending ...... however the U.S.’s share of the world's GDP is only about 21 percent.

The U.S. outspends Iran and North Korea in military spending by a ratio of 72 to one.


I have no problem cutting the waste show and prove where the waste is ? I also have no problem spending more than other countries to make sure we have the best military and the manpower , weapons , and equipment to do what ever may come at us now and in the future including another major or world war . in fact I think the active military is to small and needs more manpower


Veteran Expediter
BUT don't forget, unlike a lot of other countries, the US military is part of the federals job. Welfare, highway funding, foreign aid, Social Security are not - those are areas that need to be either drastically cut or eliminated altogether.


Expert Expediter
BUT don't forget, unlike a lot of other countries, the US military is part of the federals job. Welfare, highway funding, foreign aid, Social Security are not - those are areas that need to be either drastically cut or eliminated altogether.

Again before I cut miliitary or fed law enforcement money other than waste in those areas, I would close all other federal agencies starting with education , highways, welfare etc and turn those over to the states with a one time allotment of fed money say equal to 1 years budget after that the states do what ever to run those and the fed run just federal law enforcement oh gee like maybe border security and the military


Veteran Expediter
But Bob, why do we even need federal law enforcement outside of the INS and some of the FBI, US marshals?

Isn't the states able to do this?

I would consider cutting back on the FBI, US marshals (which are used by the states for fugitive recovery) and eliminating the other upteen federally created services that overlap in their jobs extensively.