
Expert Expediter
I talked to another driver just a few weeks ago who left CTX in August we had the same experiences with CTX. I drove for CTX truck 207029 from 2001 to 2004, my experience was they ran me really good, paid me when they were suppose to, however, there was twice that they shorted me on loads, the dispatcher promised one thing and they paid another. I had a few problems with a couple of dispatchers the above mentioned was one, but most where ok. I miss Mike. Does Shirley still answer the phone?

We left when we started to run team and we would sit while the singles got loads, they made us wait so if they got loads for teams then we would be there. We sat in Detroit for two days, when we saw a single come in and leave with a 600 mile load after 4 hours of waiting and we were only getting 1200 to 1500 miles we left.

Then there was the whole thing with lowering rates, from 1.25 to 1.15 to 1.10 to 1.07. We averaged 63 cents on all miles, right now were doing 1.06 on all miles.

One other problem was we didn't feel welcome. You call and it was like what do you want, and be put on hold for 30 or 40 minutes each time.

Deadhead Ed would also call at about 3 or 4 in the morning and want you to go 300 or 400 miles, no problem to do that, but it killed your day.

CTX was a good place to start, and I've considered putting my cargo van on with them, just so I can hire someone with no experience, but still undecided.



Expert Expediter
I used to be on with CTX in the past but got out of expediting for a while. I did run into some of the problems mentioned, I am glad to hear of a change. I would like you to contact me via email as I am considering going back into expediting. Thanks. (lsteele_95@yahoo)