Credit Card With Fuel Rebates



Is anyone using a credit card with fuel rebates to save money on diesel? I have read the fine print on several offers and it is hard to see how this approach would actually save much money over just using cash. I just got a AAA offer with a 5% fuel rebate, but the card must be used at the pump, the merchant must submit the charge under code 5542, and the savings is limited to 2% of the total retail purchases for the month on the card. If a retailer is charging 2% to 3% more for using a credit card for fuel, it would be tough to make this one pay off. With that said, however, if a person knew of a pay at the pump place with diesel that had good fuel prices, used merchant code 5542, and used the card for all of their expenses so that the fuel portion accounted for no more than 40% of their total charges (this is based upon the 2% overall limit), then this card could be a good tool.

Does anyone ever fill up at truck stops at the car and RV islands so that you can pay at the pump?

Is anyone using a credit card with fuel rebates that you have found is saving you a noticeable amount of money?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I sometimes use a CitiBank Master card that gives 5% back on fuel purchases,both diesel and gasoline,3% on supermarket/drugstore purchases and 1% on everything else. I am picky about where to buy fuel as Flying J will charge you more then the cash price. The merchants do not have to enter any special code that I know of. CitiBank rewards you with CASH up to $300.00 per year with a minimum of $50.00 per reward.

After reading the article in LandLine about F/J heating their fuel you won't see me in there anymore. What was interesting is that they would not comment on the allegations.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I got a card issued through Conoco giving 3% rebate on fuel purchases. I used it at the J when they had the Conoco sign because 3% back was more discount than the cash discount. With the fuel issue I may have to rethink however I'm not sure the overall cost is any better after paying the much higher prices at the other guys. Just today I drove past a Pilot in N.J. that was $2.499 and the J about 50 miles away in N.J. was $2.259 so even if this fuel heating is true the overall cost is about the same. Anyway, if you look on the Citicards website they have a card that's 5% back on fuel, groceries and pharmacy and 1% on all else. That might be a good one. I don't think anywhere will give you the cash price though if you use a card.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
1997 Dodge Ram 3500 with 12' cube. Dock high with jackstands. 5.9L Cummins Turbo Diesel.

I always use my Discover card at Flying J and always get cash price. I fuel at the truck islands and use the card reader. I always scan my frequent fueler card first then I scan my Discover card and enter the rest of the info (ICC number, truck number, license, etc). The pump will show the credit price which is usually 3 cents higher than the price on the sign but when I go in to sign the ticket it subtracts that amount (to give me the cash price) and then subtracts 1 cent per gallon for using my Flying J Frequent Fueler card.
Also note to all driver's that buy diesel in Indiana. Use the truck islands and use your companies ICC # to get the tax exempt price which is usually 7 or 8 cents per gallon cheaper. I can't believe the number of expediter diesel vans and RV haulers I see at the car/RV islands when they clearly have an ICC # stamped on their truck.

I also fueled at an independent truckstop along I-70 east of Columbus, OH who advertised cash price less than credit but I used my Discover card anyway and the receipt showed a bank card discount of 3 cents per gallon. So I think they are mainly charging extra for the Comcheck, Wright Express and the like.

In the rare instance that I fuel at a Pilot (must be running on fumes). I always use the car/RV islands because they do not charge more for credit than cash like they do at the truck isles. It's usually not an issue because I am just buying enough to get me to the next J. Man, I hate Pilot!!!!


Veteran Expediter
It was asked from another post, favorite truck stops 81 85 95. I also posted along time ago re: the rebate program at Wilco. Yes they work, I was critisized re: several items relating to the card.

Yes they rebated me 10% on all fuel charges for the first three months no strings attached. Yes they still rebate me 5% as they promised. $400 fill up thats $20.00 two very nice STEAK dinners.(dumb me)

As for the J, well they might or might not heat the fuel as for them not responding shame on them. I use them alot.... I still average almost 10 mpg with their fuel no different from anyone else.

If the alligations against J are true than shame shame shame on them, and I would be the first to boycott them. But I need proof anyone out their got an facts to back up what they are being accused of? Seems like the Justice dept would be on them since it is this wide known.

I said months ago people, this Wilco program is to good to pass up. If you have good credit get the card and reap the rewards of paying your bills on time. Others who do not sorry thats the price one pays. Pay on time and the credit Gods help you out once and while.


Why in the world were YOU being criticized for using the card exactly according to its terms? That's comical--an individual being criticized for how they are treating a credit card company.


Veteran Expediter
>Why in the world were YOU being criticized for using the
>card exactly according to its terms? That's comical--an
>individual being criticized for how they are treating a
>credit card company.

Kraig Allen

I cannot speak for other people or there actions. Wilco works and I almost go in shock at the Pilots .05 per gallon surcharge for using a Visa.

I would love to pay all cash and could. But carrying $5,000 at the beginning of a 3-4 week tour is not very smart.


Expert Expediter
Do we use the rv/ car pumps to fill up? I don't, but then again I refuse to go to Flying J, unless I have too, I get a better discount using my Comdata card at TA, Petro, and Pilot. Do they have dye in the rv fuel? If they don't then its not legal deisel for trucks or is it?


Expert Expediter
1997 Dodge Ram 3500 with 12' cube. Dock high with jackstands. 5.9L Cummins Turbo Diesel.

No there is no dye in the fuel at the RV pumps. Dye is only added to the off-road uses such as farm or reefer use. The only reason I use the RV/auto aisle when I am outside Indiana is to avoid the credit surcharge that the crooks charge at the truck aisle. In Indiana I use the truck aisle so I can get the tax exempt fuel by using my carriers ICC number.


Veteran Expediter
This topic forced me to do a little research today:

Went to the only Pilot in Charlotte NC today. Inquired if I used a debit card would I still be charged the higher rate and the answer was yes.

OK I just picked up an application for yet another discounted Visa card.

I do not enjoy carrying around a couple of credit cards, seems like they gotcha unless you use these credit cards. I am averaging just over a thousand gallons a month if I fueled at just Pilots $50 in savings a month. .


Expert Expediter
Quick question, are the credit cards that most of you use for fuel only are is it your personal cards that you make payments on monthly.I would figure a fuel card you would just pay off at the end of the month.

The Gibster

Expert Expediter
When we first started out a couple of years ago we signed up with Flying J's Transportation Alliance Bank and their Mastercard. Our carrier paid us 50% of the load upon pickup on Comdata, we immediately transferred the monies to the MC, and used the card for everything.

Flying J's gave us a discount at the pumps, and in addition we got a percentage back at the end of the month for all purchases on the card. We typically pumped $2500-3000 a month in fuel and would get about $65-80 in rebate coupons. These were good in J's for food, showers, or at their online e-store. But it wasn't cash.

Since changing carriers last year we now use our Comdata for fuel and the MC for everything else. Our rebates are about half of what they were. Our carrier is the expediters of Epes big truck, and thus we get their fuel purchasing power. If the fuelstop is in the program we get it at cost plus 2 cents, or pump price minus 2-3 cents. We've seen up to 25 cents discount from the pump price to what is charged to our account.

We love the customer service from Transportation Alliance Bank, they're great. The rebates weren't bad. But if your carrier offers some fuel discount program it will probably outweigh a percentage return from your financial institutions.

The Gibster


Veteran Expediter
I keep forgetting that many drivers use ComData Cards. I see both its advantages/disadvantages.

Since my truck is a Sole Prop. the cards are in my name. No balances are carried and I even pay rounded up to the next $5.00 to all of my creditors.

The key to making this work is to pay on time or early, no balances can be carried or there goes all of your savings. It would be easier to use just one chain to fuel, Expediters just do not have that luxury of knowing in advance where, when we will be going next.

Fuel is our biggest expense, do anything you can to reduce your costs as a little saved each time will be multiplied many times over the next year.