Is anyone using a credit card with fuel rebates to save money on diesel? I have read the fine print on several offers and it is hard to see how this approach would actually save much money over just using cash. I just got a AAA offer with a 5% fuel rebate, but the card must be used at the pump, the merchant must submit the charge under code 5542, and the savings is limited to 2% of the total retail purchases for the month on the card. If a retailer is charging 2% to 3% more for using a credit card for fuel, it would be tough to make this one pay off. With that said, however, if a person knew of a pay at the pump place with diesel that had good fuel prices, used merchant code 5542, and used the card for all of their expenses so that the fuel portion accounted for no more than 40% of their total charges (this is based upon the 2% overall limit), then this card could be a good tool.
Does anyone ever fill up at truck stops at the car and RV islands so that you can pay at the pump?
Is anyone using a credit card with fuel rebates that you have found is saving you a noticeable amount of money?
Does anyone ever fill up at truck stops at the car and RV islands so that you can pay at the pump?
Is anyone using a credit card with fuel rebates that you have found is saving you a noticeable amount of money?