Contractors hiring drivers


Seasoned Expediter
As many of the "vets" know, when you hire a new driver it would be easier and maybe cheaper to go to a casino and roll the dice. Hiring a new driver is a real pain. You can only believe what they tell you but it is almost always too good to be true.

This week I road tested a driver that could NOT drive. Granted, he had the application filled out, showed a couple years of experience, in a Trac/Trl even. Gave him a easy pass because he had just picked up the truck, not used to the shifting pattern. Watched as he went from first to sixth gear in about a hundred yards. Slipped the clutch until you could smell it. Every time I gave him an instruction, he would push the clutch in before I had completed the sentence. The crowning moment came when we came down the 1/2 mile hill with the
clutch all the way to the floor and went over the R/R tracks. At least I stayed in the seat even with all the fluids were trying to force their way out of my body.

My "advise" to anyone hiring a driver? Ride with them first! If they
are serious about working for you then they will wait and meet you if you can get a load their way. People also have a way of opening up when they are driving. Ask them important questions, compare what they say to what they write on their apps. Try different tricks, try whatever works.

I hope I have helped. My children and grandchildren are a little safer today.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
So, after he listened intently to your post test critical statements, i'll bet he asked. . . .
1. When do I start?
2. When is the first payday?
3. Can you get me a truck with a larger sleeper?
4. A newer truck?
5. Can I have Memorial Day weekend off?
And you said. . . . ?


Veteran Expediter
From the other side of the aisle, I can't see any reputable driver objecting to a test drive - it's what I'd do, if I were the owner, and it's what I'm doing now, as the driver. Not doing it is how one ends up with drivers who are unqualified, (some who don't even know what all the important parts of the truck are, like, oh, say, the landing gear...), irresponsible, or work-ethic challenged, or total slobs about themselves and the truck, or clueless about the nature of expediting: ie, we don't do 'sit down meals' with a load on, unless we're way early for a morning delivery.
When the 'good owners' and the 'good drivers' hook up, it's great!


Expert Expediter
I used to drive for a owner. When I first met him, I requested a test drive with him so he would know that I know what I am doing. He did not aks for anything but, I gave him a copy of the same app I gave to the carrier. I also gave him personal and professional references. Although he said it was not necessary, I wanted to show him I had nothing to hide from him. I think if all prospective drivers did that
(both newbies and vets) it would be easier for everybody.


Expert Expediter
sit down meals... Your sitting in the drivers seat so that counts as a "sit down Meal", right?

My personal favorite is when you call in to the office ask for someone and your told their out to lunch..... What is this "OUT TO LUNCH" THING YOU SPEAK OF????? Im out to lunch too but im still working.....
