Ok, I have read The threads about contracts with owners and I have read that some say if the owner dosnt offer you a contract to walk away. I have also read that owners wont offer you a contract untill the last day of orientation however I have a couple more questions that I can not seem to locate even using the advance search. Please bare with me as I'm learning as much about this as possible.
Thanks in advance with your support.
To what detail should this contract induldge?
I'm thinking of issues such as detention time, dh, loading and unloading, tolls, Qc fee's, people functions, breakdowns, meals, maintenance, comfort creatures, fines, tickets etc. . I'm sure you get where I'm going.
What form of documentaion w/ the owner is there when a need a repair, and who would be liable if things were not repaired in a timely fashion, and should the contract have wording when a truck can be taken out of service for mechanical and then by who. CYA type of thing
Maybe there is a generalized contract that o/o use and just fill in blanks, if thats the case is there a way I could see one.
I think that asking the o/o to see a contract in the initial contact is perfectly professional.
I will conclude that all of you have offered so much (sometimes more than I want at one sitting
LOL) advice that if or when we get out there I sure hope we will cross paths.