Considering bringing spouse on road

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
As i said, it can be done as long as you act like you are married and have the utmost respect for your spouse and the situation. All the rest is crap, act like a grown up and be a gentleman or a lady, which ever pertains to you !!!!!!!!!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Dynamite's rules are great [as is his marriage], but I think a lot has to do with how you each handle the disagreements that will occur. Some things, [slamming doors, 'the silent treatment'] just don't work. And forget about going off for a ride to clear your head, lol.
You really need to be able to resolve the issues in a way that leaves both feeling okay with it. If you can do that, and you really enjoy being together most of the time, [not all the time, because you can both get some 'me' time in], then your chances are much better. If you can't handle disputes without resorting to throwing things, it won't end well.


Expert Expediter
I've been going on the road with my man just as passenger since September 2010. I don't go out every time, but frequently. Here's the facts that I felt I had to keep in mind from the onset:

1. Space is tight. Either deal with that fact or stay home.

2. This is his line of work. It's not a vacation. Fun can be had, but work is first and foremost.

3. Since it is work, there will be no motels, no restaurants; must keep overhead down.

4. Stay out of his business. He runs the show, it's his livelihood. If he wants my opinion, he'll ask for it. Not my baby.

5. Help when I can; organize paperwork, prepare the food, keep the van (or now, truck sleeper) organized, make room for freight in the van's cargohold, keep track of fuel prices along the route.

6. There will be encounters with bitter cold weather, sweltering hot weather. Oh well.

7. Bear in mind this is really a good quality time experience. A lot of topics get talked about when you're in the vehicle in the middle of the night SB I-55.

8. Truckstop showers are not the end of the world and they won't happen every day.

I was a great distraction from the waiting game back in his expedite days. Because of my presence, we'd go explore the area we were in, because that's more fun to do with someone else than alone. Even at night in the truckstops, someone to talk to and people-watch with. It takes a lot of selflessness to be the passenger in these situations. The ability to go with the flow and make the best out of all of it. If your spouse has that going for them? You guys will be fine.

Oh, I almost forgot: travel light and keep your crap out of his way.
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Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Hmmm..please explain...are you refering to personal experience ....I d. like to hear both sides of these stories....:p

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Both sides, Oh no he better not split JUJU.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The reality is, one can either get along with one's spouse, or they cannot. Whether it is in a truck, a house or a cave, matters not.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The reality is, one can either get along with one's spouse, or they cannot. Whether it is in a truck, a house or a cave, matters not.

That's it!

Some of the most in-love people you will ever see are crisscrossing the country in trucks, happily living, working and playing together on the road. There are other married couples who, while happy in their present circumstances, would be at each other's throats after just a short time in a truck.

It's not about the truck, it's about the married couple. If a couple needs significant time apart from each other to make the relationship work, team expediting may not be the best career choice.

How you are together in a truck will vary with the couple. For Diane and me, one of the primary reasons we got into expediting was to spend more time together. We enjoy each other's company and had grown tired of working jobs that featured separate locations, events and calendars. Our ten years on the road were delightful in that regard. We felt richly blessed to be together 24/7 in this grand adventure called expediting.

That said, there were times when it was best to be apart. We called it "me time." When me time was requested by one or both of us, one or both would leave the truck for few hours to go to a library, bookstore, movie, park, mall or some other place alone. That's all it took. After a few hours, we started missing each other and were happy to reunite in the truck.
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