Congratulations Tallcal


Veteran Expediter
Your team has won the house and it looks like will win the senate.

As I have said in the past and still believe that a balance of power between congress and the white house is a good thing but my fear has been that the far left that control the dems will come out and start making too many changes which may be a good thing for the republicans if the republicans get it together and go back to what got them in power in 94. There is still hope.

Also I just want to tell you that the terrorist are also celebrating, they see it as a victory too.

The reason I have sounded like I was all over the map has been the utter frustration of my state, Michigan and the lack of intelligence we have here and always had here. The lies, negative ads and all of that has gotten to me.

The governor, whether she is a democrat or republican is someone who should have been run out of office and the people of this state are a bunch of ignorant idiots for keeping her. She has brought this state from a decent rank to the lowest of all the states in true job creation, tax reform and a lot of other things and she has blamed everyone else but her policies and herself for the mess. I blame her for the loss of my job and jobs of 3500 of my colleagues and the shifting of money out of retraining that could have been used to attract companies to Michigan to funding super bowl projects and laptops for kids. As much as I sound frustrated, it does not reflect my true feelings about her and these idiots who put her back into office.

The only true positive things are we now have Affirmitive Action restrictions in this state and they defeated the no teacher left behind proposal. Oh I have mentioned Emminate Domain as a primary concern before in another post, guess what? a lot of state had that on the ballot and it passed in every state. Amazing!

Congrats again and hope the next two years is going to be good.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I would like to congradulate our left-leaning friends here as well. A statement has been made and here in Michigan our Governor was able to ride that wave for another...

Just a second, I'll be right back.

O.K., I'm back. I had to get a drink of water, I had some throw-up in my mouth.

...for another term. Not being home much, I didn't get to see many of the campaign adds. I did see Granholm's add where she touts her job creation. All the companies that were shown in the scroll were very established companies and there was no explanation as to how she was responsible for those jobs. I also saw the one where she said we'd be "blown away" in 5 years. I'm sure most of us would rather not have to wait that long.

Anyway, here's hoping that we all end up with something to be happy about.


Veteran Expediter
Well Highway the problem is that most of those jobs were not created as in replacing lost jobs. Many of those jobs were shifted within the companies and do not represent a gain in the state. I know that she counted Compuware's move from Farmington to Detroit as job creation even though a lot of people left the company. In order for a job to be counted as a real job created, it must be accessible to the unemployed so they can go back to work. We have had an exodus of the population so the balance of previous uncounted unemployed has been reduced a lot – if included I think that the unemployment rate would be around 10% - back to the Carter days. Oh one last thing, Detroit Diesel was given a lot of money to expand less than a mile away in my town. My tax money is going to road improvements and such but I can not even apply for any job there. I am not a former Detroit city employee, a former UAW worker or on welfare. I have to thank my governor for this too, she promised help for autoworkers and Detroit city employees who lost their jobs – screw the others.

Again, Congrats TallCal.


Veteran Expediter
I'm not sure thank you is actually in order,as I voted for Arnold.I believe in what he is doing,and have supported his poilicie,as have many from my side in my home state.He has brought people from both sides together in California,and put us back on course after some very rough times.
I guess I'm a little humbled about the National Elections.One could call it a landslide.What I find intertesting is the fact that President Bush and Carl Rove were willing to risk phase's,as late as last week,like"A vote for a Democrat is a vote for the terrorists".
They completly misread their base,and ignited a backlash.Peoples sons and daughters have died for a cause that has been spoon fed to them,and as yet,undefined.Red went blue last night,and it was shocking to see.Considering the States that turned so dramaticly,it was a mandate.
The closer election night came,the more I personally felt the need to tone down my rhetoric.This morning,I have a sence of relieve,and calm,but I know that all our problems,and difference's will not be settled.You will defend your positon's,I mine.
However,I think it is important for my friends on the other side to recognize that all Americans,not just a bunch of firebrand loose lipped leftisits,who were swayed by CNN and the liberal press,voted their hearts and minds yesterday.For some on this forum,knowing that their frinds and neighbors,in some very conservative districts,expressed their outrage and discontent,and sided with "the enemy",will be hard to swallow..They will be relunctant to give credit to their neighbors for being brave enough to change.It's going to be a long 2 years for some,and everytime they see Nancy heading up the House,they will have a knot in their stomach,similar to the one I have had for the last 6 years.I recommend a very strong antacid,I have a drawer full of them.
I'm gald our system works,I'm glad we have debate,and I'm really glad to be an American this morning.
Thanks for the congrats Greg,I appreciate it.


Veteran Expediter
Congratulations are in order for everyone who cares enough about this country to want what's best for it, even if we don't agree on what exactly that might be. When we can no longer debate with civility, or we just don't care anymore, then our country is truly lost. Keep up the good work, guys!:)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think both Gregg and TallCal deserve congrats. They are 180 degrees apart on the major issues affecting our country but none the less communicated their views as the decent Gentleman guys that they are.

This is what separates our Country from the third world Dictators and the thugs that refuse to allow disenting viewpoints. Try taking on Pre Saddam or the great group that was the Taliban. Freedom to express your views simply did not exist. Remember all of those Irag voters proudly waving that finger with the ink stain showing the world that they had actually taken a role in their Countrys future.

Try that in North Korea.

Anyway Tall,one of these days I will enjoy that Flat Tire with you.


Veteran Expediter
The thunder is gone. Really have no feelings one way or another in other words I am just kinda numb and scared of what the future will be bringing us all. And I did not pull the R ticket, there is one Republican I want gone.

I just hope but have my doubts that those elected will actually do whats best for America and never mind whats right for a party.

Tcall hope you are right and I was wrong, Congrats Broom


Veteran Expediter
You know I printed this all off and gave it to the guy who run the corner gas station - an Iraqi.

He was sobbing after he read it, I mean he lost it. He said this is what it is about, the fighting of the terrorist in his country and the lost lives to allow his people to be truly free. He said that he left there becuase he could not vote the way he wanted to (yes they voted, sort of with only one person on the ballot it was easy but it wasvoting according to Carter), he could not debate any issues or even talk against Saddam and he fears that if we leave it will all happen again with the terrorist taking control. He said he want back to vote and he could not believe the changes that he saw. He and his family are thankful to be here and to enjoy our way of life but want to return back soon and as he said hope we stay there for a long time.


Veteran Expediter
I think one of the comments printed above mentioned that this is America. We basically changed the "ruling party". No one going out of office was shot or is likely to be shot. The outgoing people will more that likely shake hands with the incoming folks. If we don't like the job the new guys are doing, we can vote them out. We don't have to wait for another country to come in and save us from a dictator. That's one of the things I love about America.
:+ :+