In the thread Broompilot started titled "Somehow it’s all coming back to me." Dave 8 posts, Rich 6 posts, Tennesseahawk 6 posts, and ATeam 8 posts, for a total of 28. Most of which he (ATeam) was once again defending his beliefs. Take those away and you have a normal thread.
There is no member on this site that should have as strong a grudge with ATeam as I did, yet every so often (about every 2 or 3 months) there is a cat fight with him, being started by a few, and I'm not one of them. If the guys starting these fights are doing it in my honor, please stop! If I was able to forgive, be forgiven, forget and move on, so can the rest of you. No one is going to change another’s beliefs so why fight about it on our forums!!!
It is obvious ATeam does and says what he believes. It is also obvious that some members do not agree with him or his beliefs, and confront him about it. My concern is it is being done on EO, and in the open for all to read. ATeam is here to stay, and no one (at least none of you) is going to change that.
This thread started about people fluffing the expediting industry, and look where it went. If you see someone painting a rosy picture and you feel it is fluff, why not add a reply offering your side or de-fluff-i-tize the postings of the fluff’ie. Paint the real deal!!! If you see the fluff’ie replying negative let it go. Be a better person and say no more.
The last time this sort of thing took place, it ran a few good men and women away, and left many others doubtful to the point of not posting or posting very little. Hasn’t it dawned on you why there are only the same few people posting anymore? With 2824 active members these forums should be reaching triple digit replies, yet we have threads getting locked if they go above 30. YES! This thread should’ve been locked, it should’ve been locked at 20 or when 'T' ask for it to be locked.
Sad thing is I can go on and on about this, and the same few will keep on doing it. The reason I am posting this is, I am hoping all those who appose these cat fights reply so the ‘BIG GUY’ of EO sees all your concerns, and maybe does something to keep it from happening again.
BASH me all you want, I respect EO enough to do the right thing!!!
There is no member on this site that should have as strong a grudge with ATeam as I did, yet every so often (about every 2 or 3 months) there is a cat fight with him, being started by a few, and I'm not one of them. If the guys starting these fights are doing it in my honor, please stop! If I was able to forgive, be forgiven, forget and move on, so can the rest of you. No one is going to change another’s beliefs so why fight about it on our forums!!!
It is obvious ATeam does and says what he believes. It is also obvious that some members do not agree with him or his beliefs, and confront him about it. My concern is it is being done on EO, and in the open for all to read. ATeam is here to stay, and no one (at least none of you) is going to change that.
This thread started about people fluffing the expediting industry, and look where it went. If you see someone painting a rosy picture and you feel it is fluff, why not add a reply offering your side or de-fluff-i-tize the postings of the fluff’ie. Paint the real deal!!! If you see the fluff’ie replying negative let it go. Be a better person and say no more.
The last time this sort of thing took place, it ran a few good men and women away, and left many others doubtful to the point of not posting or posting very little. Hasn’t it dawned on you why there are only the same few people posting anymore? With 2824 active members these forums should be reaching triple digit replies, yet we have threads getting locked if they go above 30. YES! This thread should’ve been locked, it should’ve been locked at 20 or when 'T' ask for it to be locked.
Sad thing is I can go on and on about this, and the same few will keep on doing it. The reason I am posting this is, I am hoping all those who appose these cat fights reply so the ‘BIG GUY’ of EO sees all your concerns, and maybe does something to keep it from happening again.
BASH me all you want, I respect EO enough to do the right thing!!!