Nice to see you here Tony and all-I have taken a long break from writing/reading in all the trucking forums. It seemed as if you belonged to one you were shunned from others and so on...
Anyway, with the Panther/Con-Way news I knew EO would have some postings and/or articles about it. As I did write initially, I like many others have concerns about the buy out and would like some explanations about specific aspects with regards to Panther---BUT what can you do? We have been in this business a fairly long time now and have learned one is all about the money...not the people. You would have thought I would have already known especially after working in the "real" world in the positions I had. LOL
As of this morning, we still have not gotten our "overnight package" from Panther yet. We like many did not receive the message via the QC but learned of the acquisition via several frantic telephone calls from fellow drivers. However, we can now get our money out of our Comdata, so that is a start.
From what I understand, Panther flew all of the Con-Way fleet owners into Ohio so they could meet with the Panther fleet owners. Panther apparently has hired some former Con-Way people and are housing them in Ohio as well. These are very nice gestures for the company as a whole. I am curious as to what they are going to do for the average independent contractor who only owns one truck, such as myself, in making the transition.
We are planning on attending the Expo this year and hope we will have the opportunity to speak with Panther representatives there.
Dave, are you willing to answer some specific questions with regards to Panther and it's policies in this open forum? If so, I have some questions.
--What goes around comes around--