Coming to a carrier near you - EOBRs


Veteran Expediter
The FMCSA has issued a proposal for mandated EOBRs for all carriers sooner than they were talking about.

“This proposal is an important step in our efforts to raise the safety bar for commercial carriers and drivers,” said FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro. “We believe broader use of EOBRs would give carriers and drivers an effective tool to strengthen their HOS compliance.”

Personally, I don't see the carnage on the highways because of this and other issues.

FMCSA proposes to mandate EOBRs for interstate carriers

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Personally, I don't see the carnage on the highways because of this and other issues.

Exactly! I've read that the accidents stats are improving. I think they're using that to justify doing even more crapola. No matter what they come up with, there will always be accidents, injuries and deaths. And, it's rarely going to be a guy with sleep apnea that's operating past his HOS and has out of adjustment brakes that's going to cause it. More often than not, it'll be the 4 wheeler.


Veteran Expediter
Well I'm listening to WSB Atlanta and an accident happened, killing a one of the motorist assistance people. A tractor hit the guy while he was on the side of the road helping someone - this happened on I85 exit 77.

It may be another good excuse for EOBRs and other things to "make us safe".


Veteran Expediter
An EBOR would not have stopped that accident.Unless you were actually there to witness what happened,truck driver,might have been in a pick up truck.Also,Ive been in situations where you want to move over,but do to a speeding 4 wheeler you cant move over,so you just slow down,but that still might not be enough.


Expert Expediter
I agree this wont help anything. Accidents will happen no matter on a bicycle, car, truck, van, or big truck.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Another brilliant regulatory maneuver courtesy of the Obama administration. Before you know it, we will be driving 10 mph, and only allowed to drive 24 hours in a week. Imagine the cost of that roll of toilet paper. :rolleyes:
Could almost qualify as cheap entertainment taking a load of those rolls to California.
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Veteran Expediter
Another brilliant regulatory maneuver courtesy of the Obama administration. .

Just another clear example why this president can not be trusted .
this comes less the 2 weeks after Obama clearly ordered a review of trucking regulations to bust the economy ,(in seek of parliamental gain...but still) a presidential order - not to be follow by the secretary of DOT. - America's Trucking Newspaper
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Retired Expediter
I regularly talk with 3 drivers from 2 different small carriers...all are tearing out pages of their log books and having to wait for the log to catch up with them....they all say the good times will be over once EOBR comes into effect...


Expert Expediter
Well, somebody has to pay for it, and with profit margins as tight as they are right now I can see that being passed off on drivers eventually. If the company pays for it, we need to get a bit more money on enough loads to cover the cost and it's hard enough to get a good full rate on anything that is bid on at the moment.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
why dont u just find a Judge to declare all ur eobr junk to be unconstitutional and wala,,,no more eobr stuff,,,well its a thought, what a can of worms have they created now??:D


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I regularly talk with 3 drivers from 2 different small carriers...all are tearing out pages of their log books and having to wait for the log to catch up with them....they all say the good times will be over once EOBR comes into effect...

I'm not so sure that EOBRs mean the end of the road for drivers who regularly cheat on their log books. Could it be that they cheat because they learned how early on and developed that as a habit? How many of these people have even tried to run legal? Same question for carriers that encourage or turn a blind eye to log book cheating.

I don't mean try it as an experiment to prove to themselves the myth that the only way you can make money out here is cheat. I mean try as an experiment to find ways to run legal because running legal is the right thing to do.

If EOBRs become universal, I think many truck drivers who cheated before will not leave the industry but will (kicking and screaming) develop better time management techniques so they can continue to drive.
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Veteran Expediter
The regulation states in Regulated trucks over 10K.

Gee my C.V looking better everyday.:D
Oh, they'll get to us, don't worry. EVERYTHING must be regulated, and all that isn't forbidden must be compulsory. People who are attracted to government positions have mental defects that compel them to control people. Oh, they'll get to us...