Just look at who endorses Obama and you will know where things are going. Chaves, Hesbola, Soros, Ayres, Wright, Puton, on and on. Don't forget get that great group started in NAZI Germany, Planned Parenthood. OH OH and P.E.T.A.!!!! The New Black Panthers. All hate groups and mal-contents. I remember a cartoon from the Detroit Free Press back in the '60's. It showed two hippie types, male and female walking together. THey went on about going down to the free clinic for birth control pills, and over for thier food stamps and then on to welfare for thier checks and on and on. That went on for 3 pannels. In the last pannel they commented that when they finished all of that they were headed downtown to protest this "rotten sociaity". Just like Obama. Welfare brat, then he bites the hand that fed him. Oh well, it's our fault, we allowed the freaks, wierdos and mal-contents to take over. I guess we just did not notice or care or was it we were working too hard trying to earn a living to spend our time on politics. Oh well, did the Lions lose today? I have not seen any scores. I hope they lost, I would hate to see them mess up a really good season. Layoutshooter