Colin Powell Endorses......


Veteran Expediter

I'd vote for Colin Powell, but i cannot see how a military guy with his background can back this socialist, its just scary.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Easy ChefDennis, Powell has been leaning towards socialism since he got into politics. He has called for higher taxes and extremely restrictive gun control for years. I am neither surpised or disapointed by this, I expected it. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Moreover, Powell was pressured by the color issue.

Here in Dayton, when Mike Turner (Rep) was the mayor, we had a thriving economy and a much lower violent crime rate.

Enter Rhine McLin (Dem) and Dayton's economy goes down the toilet. The violent crime rate (shootings, rape, car jackings, murders, etc) is off the charts.

Mayor McLin has lived in the Dayton area long enough to know which policies and venues will bring back industry and markedly reduce violent crime.

Like Colin Powell, she is driven by an issue of color and is afraid to lose face by breaking with tradition.

Sad...but true.

As a super delagate she endorsed Barack Obama.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At the risk of sounding racist it appears to me that the biggest single "racist block" are black people. They will vote for another "black" person reguadless of that persons politics just because that person is black. I truly believe that far greater percentage of whites vote more on the issues than skin color. Again, I am not trying to be racist, just my observations. It does kind of amaze me that a group of people that were "held down" so long and fought so long to gain the freedoms that they should have had all along, after having gained them, are so willing to just throw those freedoms away to live under the slavery of socialism. It just makes no sense to me. Guess it's the "gimmee mine" mentallity of todays people. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Layout wrote:

At the risk of sounding racist it appears to me that the biggest single "racist block" are black people. They will vote for another "black" person reguadless of that persons politics just because that person is black. I truly believe that far greater percentage of whites vote more on the issues than skin color. Again, I am not trying to be racist, just my observations. It does kind of amaze me that a group of people that were "held down" so long and fought so long to gain the freedoms that they should have had all along, after having gained them, are so willing to just throw those freedoms away to live under the slavery of socialism. It just makes no sense to me. Guess it's the "gimmee mine" mentallity of todays people. Layoutshooter

I totally agree!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I have an aunt that is so far left that she makes Obama look like Pat Buchanan. She recently went on a rather nasty tirade about how there are people who will not vote for Obama simply because he is black. After she finished, I asked if she wad just as mad at those people who will vote for Obama simply because he IS black. Her reply?

"Nobody would do that."

OMG. I laughed so hard I nearly PIP, which, of course, made her even madder.


Veteran Expediter
Colin Powell's endorsement was timed for maximum effect to demoralize McCain's supporters. It's a malicious betrayal by a man picked from obscurity by Ronald Reagan to be his national security advisor. As a protege of Reagan Powell was put on the fast track to four-star general and several high ranking cabinet posts. Obviously, Powell has been waiting to plunge the knife into the back of those who elevated him to rarified air.
More depressing is the fact that race trumps everything for folks like Powell. With 95% support from the black community and maybe 50% of the white community, Obama will probably win. Very sad to see race trump common sense.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Racism is a sign of a true lack of education and common sense. It is caused by class envy, which is both exploited and encoraged by Marxists through out thier history. It is thier halmark. Only weak minded people fall for it. Says a lot about the state of things in this country. Marxism hates intelligence, it fosters hate and fear. It creates envy to encourage hatred of those who earn thier way through life. It creates the idea that those who suceed are bad and somehow "owe" those who choose not to suceed. Class warfare almost always ends up in true warfare. Things are not looking pretty I am sorry to say. Obama says he will bring the country together. How can you do that by preaching hate and envy? By ridiculing hard work and success? I really don't understand. I give up. Take it all from me. Just leave me alone. Let me hunt and fish. Just stay away from me. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter

I'd vote for Colin Powell, but i cannot see how a military guy with his background can back this socialist, its just scary.

He's Black...ain't he.. don't matter whether he is a
republican or democrat.. it's a color thing.


Expert Expediter
yeah, I've been called a racist but it was over my
post office ladies saying they had to learn spanish to speak
to the Mexicans... but that's another story


Expert Expediter
Racism is a sign of a true lack of education and common sense. It is caused by class envy, which is both exploited and encoraged by Marxists through out thier history. It is thier halmark. Only weak minded people fall for it. Says a lot about the state of things in this country. Marxism hates intelligence, it fosters hate and fear. It creates envy to encourage hatred of those who earn thier way through life. It creates the idea that those who suceed are bad and somehow "owe" those who choose not to suceed. Class warfare almost always ends up in true warfare. Things are not looking pretty I am sorry to say. Obama says he will bring the country together. How can you do that by preaching hate and envy? By ridiculing hard work and success? I really don't understand. I give up. Take it all from me. Just leave me alone. Let me hunt and fish. Just stay away from me. Layoutshooter

I am not really a racist per your comments above, I am
educated, have common sense and am not envious in any way of them. I am just tired of the BS. If they don't get their way, we are being racist.
Why don't they get out and work and quit sticking their hands out for all of America to take care of them.
Obama will not bring this country together. He will steal his
way through 4 years and maybe we will have a DECENT
person to vote for.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Colin MURTHA POWELL? Murtha colin powell? BIRDS OF A FEATHER!
obumers friend stomped on your flag- colin MURTHA powell!!
and McCAIN's friend was BEATENED at the HANOI HILTON for sewing/saluting YOUR FLAG!! you general-- are DESPICABLE!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They are not out to improve the country, they are out to destroy it. They wish to align us with all the other Marxists in the world. They, the Obama's, the Powells, the ALGORES are only in it for power and self enrichment. They are out to control, by force if needed. Remember when Pelosi became Speaker some of the first words out of her mouth were "I am now the most powerful woman in the United States." This was from a woman who claimed to be out to improve an was not interested in power. Just wait till they take control, it will not be pretty. If you suceed you will be punished. If you stand up to them you will be jailed or shot. Osama Obama is hoping that Powell can keep the army on his side. Yea, it is coming to that. I don't think Powell can. Some will fight with Obama but a very large percentage will not. I fear that we are headed for a civil war. It will be far worse than the first one was. Watch Obama, he will start to impose U.N. rules and regs on U.S. citizens. He may even bring in U.N. troops to enforce anti-gun laws, to help dis-arm the country. Mark my word. He will not dis-arm or impose restriction on guns, magizine size etc on the police. That is how a police state is set up. When I was in school I was taught the first sign of a terranny in formation was when a State passes laws to protect the people from themselves and the second was when a State tries to control all weapons. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I'm afraid you are RIGHT! This is george soro's SAME euro takeover pattern!! MEDIA FIRST/ FIRE ALL CONSERVATIVE MEDIA journalist...SET up SOCIALIST government!! Of course had soro's been consevative-- you would be INFORMED daily thru the press..has anyone MENTIONED--- MOVEON .ORG LATELY??? SSHHHH!!

heads UP!! Chevaz just call America a GREAT NATION!! What? what happened to "IMPERIALIST"!! Must have a seat @ the ROUND TABLE!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just look at who endorses Obama and you will know where things are going. Chaves, Hesbola, Soros, Ayres, Wright, Puton, on and on. Don't forget get that great group started in NAZI Germany, Planned Parenthood. OH OH and P.E.T.A.!!!! The New Black Panthers. All hate groups and mal-contents. I remember a cartoon from the Detroit Free Press back in the '60's. It showed two hippie types, male and female walking together. THey went on about going down to the free clinic for birth control pills, and over for thier food stamps and then on to welfare for thier checks and on and on. That went on for 3 pannels. In the last pannel they commented that when they finished all of that they were headed downtown to protest this "rotten sociaity". Just like Obama. Welfare brat, then he bites the hand that fed him. Oh well, it's our fault, we allowed the freaks, wierdos and mal-contents to take over. I guess we just did not notice or care or was it we were working too hard trying to earn a living to spend our time on politics. Oh well, did the Lions lose today? I have not seen any scores. I hope they lost, I would hate to see them mess up a really good season. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So happy all is right with the world, Lions and Browns losing. The people lost starting in 1860 under Lincoln. It has been a down hill slide ever since. We either take control back in November (fat chance) or bend over and kiss our ****ess good bye. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
So happy all is right with the world, Lions and Browns losing. The people lost starting in 1860 under Lincoln. It has been a down hill slide ever since. We either take control back in November (fat chance) or bend over and kiss our ****ess good bye. Layoutshooter

Better start bending over Layout...I am starting to see that the ole timer's are on the way out as it looks like the majority of Americans do want change...maybe even if it is abit on the social side....remember some of the great forefathers said this way wouldn't last...

All you ole timers keep claiming the rest of the world is wrong. How is that? and continue to point out all the faults and say this here system is the best...Well...look around, it's all unravelling...the world is going to leave us behind and cut us out of the deal...and we'll be isolated. We are like the middleman and we are about to be ousted from the deal.


Seasoned Expediter
yep.. the US is going down the drain.... this is why we have to try to keep people out of the country.. because it is such a terrible place... and we give more to the world than anyone else by helping others.... it doesn't look good right now... but we can last 2 years of the socialist/communist.. and then vote the congress back to the right... and then 2 years later get a conservative president....and then keep the **** polititians doing the "right" thing. 1. national defense 2. energy independence (short term & long term)

I'm sorry to say that we may need some terroist from the other side of the isle to keep our freedoms... if I remember the line.."to protect this country from all enemies, foreign or domestic" ..... it could mean anyone in government .....
if I remember correctly... Powell didn't want to run because he was afraid of being killed??????