Assuming there are more than 30 million black residents in the United States, 96 deaths by police shooting is a tiny number. Probably more fatalities result from turning a vending machine over on oneself. Anyone truly concerned about the plight of black males would focus on the very real threat they pose to each other. Whether in the US or the entire continent of Africa, the greatest mortal threat to a black male is another black male. Black deaths at the hand of a white shooter is a tiny, tiny, tiny number. People who are dishonest about such social ills need to get off their liberal hobbyhorse and address black-on-black slaughter.
CNN and MSNBC would have everyone believe there is a war on black males in the US. If true, its within the black community.
CNN and MSNBC would have everyone believe there is a war on black males in the US. If true, its within the black community.