You'll get equal numbers of yes's and no's . I'm on the no side . While they offer the convenience of offering several benefits at one location you can find a better deal on all available services by shopping around .
The most often made statement made by supporters is " They are the only ones out there working for us ." It's easy to be the best when you are the only one . It's also to sit back , pay them $40 and claim you are doing your part to make a change . That myth is exposed when FMCSA and NHTSA requests comments on the issue . Only a handful of OOIDA members will comment while the opposition gets thousands of comments from supporters . How successful are they ? As long as they have been in existence many issues remain unresolved , such as lumpers and unpaid time for loading and unloading . When they claim to "win" on an issue it's usually because a more powerful organization is fighting for the same thing .
They love class action suits . They will lose then appeal . Ask for help on an individual basis and it's a different story . I had a membership for one year and found them useless . Yes , some people will sday they were helped but more will say they weren't .
I will say one thing for OOIDA . When they take a stand on an issue they do their homework and their arguements are backed by facts . The ATA , Teamsters , Road Safe America , Public Citizen and others skew statistics and rarely have a valid case .