Certainly didn't want to get anyone ticked off at my post. Just wanted to get some info. No, I don't see this as a paid vacation and I hope that I did not give that impression. Nor do I see this as part time work, while I see the country from the cab of a truck. I see this as a way to try and make a living for me and the missus before I collect Social Security (if its still around) and then taking a part time job as a greeter at Wal-Mart. Yes, I've been out of trucking for 15 years, and I'm sure it has changed a lot. I do remember sitting around the house and waiting for calls from LTL carriers that I worked for, and I do remember sitting for a couple of days in several different steel mills waiting on loads while the USW and management worked over each other. I quite vividly remember driving the old B-model Macks with quad boxes, the beat half to death feeling that came from the camel back springs, no air ride or power steering or air ride seats. So I guess the point I am trying to make is that I have some experience and don't look at this as a part-time job, paid vacation, sight seeing tour,Magic Carpet Ride. If that were the case I wouldn't have invested all this time into gathering info, going to truck shows, talking to O/O's etc. What I do see is a rather large outlay of cash for a truck at a time in life when many people are planning on kicking back, being away from home a lot on the threshhold of my "golden years" and taking a financial risk that may or may not pan out. This in addition to long hours, lousy food, public toilets, and the stress of running a small business. This begs the question "Why?" And the answer is "I don't know why." Maybe it's just a chance to have some control over my life, maybe just the challenge of expediting. And yes, I am that "some retired guy that would roll out of bed on a Saturday to take a run", because the habit of working 2 jobs for most of my life is a hard habit to break, and anyway since I got out of the Army decades ago I really don't sleep all that well. Snotty comments from some forum members aside,I do appreciate the information that I have learned from EOL. It is not my intention to get into a pissing contest, just to get the facts and then procede with a decision for or against expediting.