Class 7 vs Class 8


Expert Expediter
1st post ... Seeking guidance .... Recognizing the general differences between class 7 & 8 equipment, clearly there are further differentiators within each class itself ... Manufacturer, model, year, engine, and so forth. That being said, in general terms is it fair to consider Pete's and KW's at the top end of both classes in terms of overall quality, reliability, and life expectancy ?

All input appreciated ...


Expert Expediter
Appreciate the reply ... "somewhere" in this forum I recall some conversation along the lines of a life-expectancy indication of 500,000 miles for class 7 and 1 mill miles for class 8 equipment ... Are these in fact good numbers ? Would Pete's & KW's tend to be significant better ? ( again, in general terms of course )


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
It would just depend on how they are set up. Class 8 could go to a million. But you will pay more on the front end.
A class 7 will cost less, but would have to be rebuilt sooner.
A class 8 will have a higher resale value, but after 5 years or so, they are both pretty close. To reduce costs, most of them regardless of brand, are using basically the same components for each class.


Expert Expediter
Interesting ... In the class 7 space, which would you consider the better choice KW T300 or Pete 335 ? Context of operation is regional.


Veteran Expediter
I'd say ,it's depend on the application .
if you going to be the only one driving it ,and can keep your temper ,and drive it like a class 7 ,even over the road ,and keep it slow ,and babysit the truck ,then class 7 is the way to go ,
no rezone why it will last only 500K .
the load only pay so mach ,and in the long term ,it will keep more money in the bank .
but ,if you just can't keep your speed down ,beat the crappp out of it ,kind of hurry up and go ,or can't trust your drivers ,or treat it like a rental/company truck ,then you need the 8 diamond card at hand .
and then again ,you need to look on the load opportunity being presented with each class ,and find a way to keep the truck loaded at your costs .


Seasoned Expediter
You can't make a choice with out doing a matrix. You have to weigh all factors and realize that just like a store pays rent and expences a truck owner has to factor in the cost of maintenance. There are class 7's on the road even with the MBE 900 series engine that are still on the road with over 700k miles. I have 3 Freightliners class 8's with 900K+ that are in excelent shape and will probably go another 900k miles. Set up a matrix, enter in all the variables and then make an informed choice.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Interesting ... In the class 7 space, which would you consider the better choice KW T300 or Pete 335 ? Context of operation is regional.

Either one. They are essentially on the same platform except for the electrical system. Petes use a floating ground system and KW individually grounds everything.
As far as class 8 verses the 7, as mentioned we have both. I can't say one is better than the other unless you do a lot of heavy hauling.


Veteran Expediter
With the idea there are a number of million mile class 7s out on the road, it all depends on luck and how it was taken care of.

On the other hand there are a number of million mile plus (like a million and a half mile) class 8s out there which again all depends on luck and how it was taken care of.

What I mean by luck is just that. You can have two identical engines on the same line, one will give the owner no problems at all but the other will be nothing but problems for the owner.

Either way there is a comfort difference, class 8s seem to be just a bit more comfy and more quiet that class 7s.


Veteran Expediter
Either way there is a comfort difference, class 8s seem to be just a bit more comfy and more quiet that class 7s.

I'm with you on that statement. The 8's are alot more comfortable. And that can be very important if you live in your truck for weeks on end.


Expert Expediter
If I can add another factor you plan on driving solo or team? If team, a class 8 will give you the air ride cab and sleeper as opposed to say the M2 business class I drive solo. I don't have air ride cab/sleeper.
Either 7, or 8..if you plan on driving team, or want the capability, air ride cab/ sleeper should be a consideration.


Expert Expediter
Really appreciate everyone's thoughts on this subject ... Equipment would be used in a regional / singles operation ... From my perspective hard assets are long term investments. Buy the best you can afford, take good care of them, and they will reward you with ROI


Expert Expediter
A class 7 will cost less, but would have to be rebuilt sooner.

"rebuilt" meaning the entire power-train I presume ? I fully realize it would depend on numerous factors, but, for planning purpose what kind of costs should be anticipated ??


Veteran Expediter
Isn't it true the class 8 will get better mpg's then 7's? The 8 drivers I ask are claiming 12mpg on the road.


Expert Expediter
Layoutshooter ... Plz clarify your equipment set-up

Anyone else have input on the referenced fuel cost differentials ?