Christmas wish's?

Lady Expediter

Expert Expediter
Oh you are such a joy. Thank you for ALL your good cheer :)

You are so right 2004 is going to be the BEST year yet, for all of us :)

Joy to the World, Jingle Bells, Jingle, Bells


Staff member
This guys walks areound in an oversized red suite - spreading good -will and all he has is 2 stars?

Come on - give ole St. Nick a BETTER rating then just 2 stars. LOL!


On the keyboard of life, always keep
one finger on the escape key.


Veteran Expediter
Perhaps everyone is waiting till the day AFTER Christmas!!!!

Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting!!


Expert Expediter
OH OH!!! Louixo!!!!!!!!!!! Your busted!!! I was reading your post and Mrs. Claus walked by!!!!! I could not cover the screen in time. Mrs. Claus asked what I was reading and she peeked over my shoulder and read your post. Mrs. Claus face turned all red!!! Brighter then Santa suit!!! I have never seen such a sight! I really tried to keep her from reading your post, honest! It has been suggested that you will receive a very large beach towel wet with coal! I tried to explain to her how hard you have worked through the year. Showed her the "LIST" that you have been a good person for life. Mrs. Claus said with a spark to her voice, give him case of Guiness but not from Santa stock! That means it will be warm. :'( :'(

I will try to get this straighten out before Christmas Eve with Santa. I still think the reindeer are playing a game with me and this board. I will need to find Donner, he has been hiding from me the last few days.. this is why I suspect the reindeer are involved.

It will be a Merry Christmas for all!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>Come on - give ole St. Nick a BETTER rating then just 2 stars. LOL!

For some of you that may not know what LM means. To the left of the post and the bottom of the persons user name, is a link. It will have a # like 8 or 10 or 12, then the word points next to the #, and it will be underlined. If you point your mouse on that and click a window will open. This is where you can rate a person. If that person did something nice or helped you it is a way of thanking that person. For every so many +2 ratings a person will get a star next to his or her user name. You can also give a person a negative rating for whatever reason. Look at mine and you will see what I mean!!!
[font color="red" size="3"]So come on ALL, Santa’s Elfie driver should have more stars!!!!![/font]


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Elfie!!!

I just returned home after some long hard running. I left Sunday got home for about 5 or 10 minuets Thursday morning and had to hit the road again until now.

Love all the replies to your post!!! There are a lot of supper special requests this year. Hope you and the OLD MAN are on good terms so you can convince him to fulfill all our members wishes? Even Louie’s!!! Tell Mrs.S to let the guys be guys. Everyone has worked real hard this past year. Everyone deserves to get what they wish. Even Louie!!!

As for me!!! Well I know you only drive one day each year. I also know that you drive more miles in that one day than any 500 drivers all added together do in 5 years. Covering the entire GLOBE in one night is to many miles to count. Tell ya what I’ll do!!! For my XMAS wishes this year tell the OLD MAN I would like to give you a gift. An all expense paid vacation anywhere you want on me. Leaves on the 20th of December and return on the 4th of the New Year. Tell the OLD MAN I will drive the sleigh around and will even give him a 10% discount on the miles, but he has to grant all the EO members their Xmas wish. Now how’s that there Elfie old pal!!!!! Even you deserve a gift for working so hard all year long there Elfie!!! Hope you enjoy the Va-Ca!!! LOL


Expert Expediter
TO: Lawrence,Dieseldiva and Teacel
From: Donner and Vixen

lkjeii lkidle kdies kdklanclo slneogl ksovnela/d ksiskbe
sled alkdoitne. alkditlawhj jsielba lskube!!! Tn krats!!!

CC: SantaElfDriver }> :)


Expert Expediter
Thanks for the thought of a vacation and the stars next to my name. I have no need for either. Being allowed to post on this board, is fun and never ending. The stars are better left in the sky for the little ones wishes. Now look to the sky and find your star and make a wish for Christmas and all through the New Year to come!


Expert Expediter
To those that cannot read in reindeer. Donner and Vixen are offering sleigh rides to those that can pay by the ton of carrots soaked in sparkle frosting with cookie dough! Donner is really pushing the buttons this year!


Expert Expediter
The time is getting closer now. I have a little time left for your wishes. If you post them now, each one will be answered before Christmas Eve!


Expert Expediter
Ok Ive been really good this year and I wish for........well ok ok ok
can I at least have a bag of switches instead of the coal this year.
(Hey its at least somethin different, you can sure get tired of the same ol gift every year) and tell Rudolf sorry about the sneezing powder on the gotta admit the light from his nose really rocks when he is having a sneezing fit !!!

To make up for my pranks Im leavin a gift for Santa, a new dash mount GPS with Laptop computer with plotting software.....its time he replaced that old dash compass.

Thanks in adavnce driver,


PS: It was not me that sprayed the Thompsons roof with the garden hose and caused the ice slick....that was old Elmer White (the glue sniffer)


Expert Expediter
MattMO!! Good to see ya! Santa was looking at the list and was wondering why you got coal instead of a gift. You think you where the only one to play pranks on old St. Nick? The icy roof is a very old prank Mattmo! Santa, stated that he will grant you one wish for being so honest and nice!
Merry Christmas, Mattmo!

Rudolph, said for me to let ya know he had fun with carrots to. He said you must have been talking to Teacel about the carrots! He was laughing at Donner, because when Donner eats carrots he is always chasing his tail to see where that smell is from!!!


Expert Expediter
It's time for me to leave again. I have to do our inspection of the sled and the reindeer. This will take most of the day. The reindeer are more on edge, during the inspection. This why it takes so long.

This year we have had a lot of fun, as always in years past. Each year Santa and I cannot wait post in here. Granting wishes to many. Next year, maybe more will join in the fun. I know for a fact, that Donner and the guys had a blast. They are already asking if they can join in for next year!

Merry Christmas to all!
Santa and the crew!:D :7