Chevy van fuel pump


Veteran Expediter
Recently one of my vans had a problem with a fuel pump far away from me. Cost me a lot of money to fix. What do you think should I change my fuel pumps after 300 k miles, preventive maintenance ? Or should I let them work until they go bad? Can somebody tell me approx how many miles a Chevy express fuel pump works? Thank you!


Seasoned Expediter
If they are anything like my Cadillac SUV, every 100k .. But likely yours should last longer then that in a van used on the freeway all the time.

I do have a Toyota that has the original fuel pump at 235k..


Veteran Expediter
What year Chevy? Does it have an in-line fuel filter? I replaced a fuel pump in my 1998 Chevy at 239,000 miles. I changed the fuel filter every 30,000 miles and never let the tank get below ¼ full.

I've got a little over 400,000 miles on my 2004 Chevy and the original fuel pump is still going strong. The fuel filter is inside the tank and part of the fuel pump so it can't be replaced until the fuel pump croaks. Best I can do is keep the fuel tank above the ¼ mark.


Veteran Expediter
Chances are a new after market pump may fail as fast as ya put it in.So I kinda figure why change out whats working..

Im not a van but if they are like a p-up and in the tank I can see why ya may get a big repair bill for a easy fix..
Maybe a better thing to do is bring your trucks home and cut an acess hole thru the floor right above the tank (im thinking most of ya vans got a false floor in the vans anyways) And if ya got some what of a driver mechinic,,He or she could make the change fairly fast..
Just teach em not to smoke while doing this job :D


Veteran Expediter
Chances are a new after market pump may fail as fast as ya put it in.So I kinda figure why change out whats working..

Im not a van but if they are like a p-up and in the tank I can see why ya may get a big repair bill for a easy fix..
Maybe a better thing to do is bring your trucks home and cut an acess hole thru the floor right above the tank (im thinking most of ya vans got a false floor in the vans anyways) And if ya got some what of a driver mechinic,,He or she could make the change fairly fast..
Just teach em not to smoke while doing this job :D

Great idea!


Veteran Expediter
As a preventive step, just bring it to a GM dealer, have them put a new one on which I think has a lifetime warranty. If it goes bad, they fix it, not you.


Veteran Expediter
My O3 GMC 3/4 ton is still on the Original Pump, Never let itget below 1/4 Tank and change the Filter every oil change. Have a Friend with a 03 Chevy 1 ton with over 500,000 on the Original Pump, Does the same as me.