I have 2 other businesses not including the expeditng business going right now. My leasing company owns my SIL's fedex home delivery van and i bank rolled him up front, and he has since repaid that. I have closed more businesses then i care to admit, lets just say more then a few. For the most part i closed those businesses because I DIDN'T do my homework up front.
I never told him not to persue another career, I simple told him to do his research as i would anyone else. The type of answers he got, were more indivative of his questions, pretty basic stuff that most anyone would know if they took time to do even a little research.
He figured any dumby can haul freight, so no big deal. Well he got those kind of answers.
As you said, his van is for sale. So he not only didn't do any research, im real sure he didn't do business plan, or plan his finances, he is willing to dump his van at a loss, if his figures are to be believed, which I have no reason not to, but before you consider any new career and figure you are going to invest in equipment, a smart person would check it out 1st.
Now as to checking out a business before buying one and the equipment, anyone in need of enough exercise equipment to open a complete fitness center!?!? It is all in a storage locker!! Been in there longer then it was used!!!!