CBD oils for arthritis and much more


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
CBD for arthritis: Benefits, use, and side effects

CBD shops are opening in many states now...over the counter relief from pains and anxiety

We bought some for the wife, osteoarthritis in the knees is no laughing matter, it hurts like XXXX..

IN less than 5 minutes she was walking without pain, no walker and the tears were flowing over the relief and that was 24 hours ago and the knees still do no ache, amazing..

If you visit one of these shops, they will recommend the right mg for you and tell them where you hurt. It was worth the purchase. PS, they have this stuff for your pets to. lol really for your pets


Can someone recommend other places with CBD products?


Absolutely! CBD oils have been a game-changer for many dealing with arthritis and a range of issues.


Rookie Expediter
I’ve been using CBD oil for a while now, mainly for some joint pain and arthritis, and I have to say. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I started feeling a difference after just a few days.