The C.B. has warned me of accidents, construction back-ups, road debris and deer; given me weather info, directions, short-cuts, seat cover alerts and entertainment.
That reminds me, back in the fall, the CB saved me a nasty accident, I'm sure... I was coming across PA, about 3 in the morning, and running with some trucks.. suddenly there was swerving ahead, and guy yelling get over NOW, deer in the road!
Someone up infront hit a deer, and as a semi dodged over, right in my lane was a HUGE buck laying. He had a huge rack, and tho a semi 'might' have hit him without being disabled, I know it would have crippled my van.
Yeah, I probably would have seen it in time, but with the CB, I was instantly MORE alert to see what was happening.
The rut was on that night, and it was ridiculous, every 5 minutes or so for about 50 miles, someone was calling out 'deer on the side'.. and we'd have 2 or 3 deer standing right on the white line.