While watching a TV the other night, this writer was shocked to see a Visa commercial that shows how paying in cash disrupts the flow of life. Though the commercial was fun and humorous to watch, the deeper implications of it are no laughing matter!
Americans are becoming more and more in debt. In fact, a recent report showed that the average American spends $100.60 per every $100.00 made in take home pay. Simply put, Americans have a negative 0.6% savings rate. Critics fear that such spending habits could bring about a recession if this spending habit continues.
It is not just American consumers who seem to have a spending problem. The federal government has managed to rake the national debt up to an astronomical amount of over $8.6 trillion, with no end in sight!
Additionally, a recent newsfeed item highlighted the lack of governmental fiscal responsibility and how it will inevitably lead our country into financial disaster.
With all these things in mind, one would have to see the irony of the Visa commercial that lures potential customers in by displaying, in a humorous way, our addiction to plastic, in an unstainable pattern of spending.
Americans are becoming more and more in debt. In fact, a recent report showed that the average American spends $100.60 per every $100.00 made in take home pay. Simply put, Americans have a negative 0.6% savings rate. Critics fear that such spending habits could bring about a recession if this spending habit continues.
It is not just American consumers who seem to have a spending problem. The federal government has managed to rake the national debt up to an astronomical amount of over $8.6 trillion, with no end in sight!
Additionally, a recent newsfeed item highlighted the lack of governmental fiscal responsibility and how it will inevitably lead our country into financial disaster.
With all these things in mind, one would have to see the irony of the Visa commercial that lures potential customers in by displaying, in a humorous way, our addiction to plastic, in an unstainable pattern of spending.