Carrier Corp. leaving the U.S.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Actually, I could see it happening, in a round about way. The US gives Mexico around $500 million annually for things like Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related aid, USDA assistance, Narcotics Control, Development Assistance (mostly infrastructure) and in Economic Support and Security assistance, among many other wildly varied categories. Stop most of that aid and divert it to wall costs. Then, cash remittances from Mexicans in US (both legal/illegal) to Mexico are more than Mexico's annual oil income of $23 Billion or so, you can tax 10% of those remittances. Add to that various and sundry taxes on US/Mexican imports, like cars and especially on Carrier Air Conditioning equipment, oil, and now you have more than enough money to pay for a wall, regardless of what it actually costs.
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