canadian trip


Expert Expediter
Oh you are breaking me LOL. Put a debit card in a payphone at roadking truck stop, make a local call. See the $6 charge on your bank statement ouch. Current company uses many brokers as the man said, some shippers dictate their own, this is true. We occasionally have to call ABC to fix things the broker forgot in the middle of the night. Norman jenson leaves their outer office open at sweet grass so anyone can use their fax in the middle of the night for free. But all you guys know this already I'm sure. I turned down a trip to Dawson's corner from Denver this week. Would have loved to see that part of BC. But, oh you say, isn't that really Alberta? Good thing sense of humor is still intact. Night night

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Seasoned Expediter
Dont forget your logs... a crap load of stuff you have to put down to note the crossing, make sure you have it filled in before you hit the first weighstation or big trouble.. ( alberta and BC are the worst)... good stuff you can drive 13 out of 14 hour duty day, even more when you get above a certain parallel. Phones.... use a pay phone in canada call your 1 800 number to dispatch, then have them transfer your call to the other number. Free to you... not so much for the company :)