Canada Canada Rates


Expert Expediter
im puzzled by what I see as a disfunctional market in frieght rates. It seems to me that whenever I get a load offer to canada it always pays less than a comperable run inside the states.

Inevitably I turn the load down. not because of anticanada bias but because crossing the border adds about three hours extra work to each trip and the pay seems less than a US load.

FECC has indicated that one of the reasons for the new dispatch system is to get canada loads covered quicker.(this tells me im not the only one who feels canada rates are a gyp)

in a normal functioning market should less avaible trucks for a run bring rates up?

so what's the delio?

Shouldn't it be standard to tac on an extra
250 or so to cross border frieght?


Veteran Expediter
FECC has indicated that one of the reasons for the new dispatch system is to get canada loads covered quicker.(this tells me im not the only one who feels canada rates are a gyp)

Well that is one reason for the change, to get people to take loads.

in a normal functioning market should less avaible trucks for a run bring rates up?

In the truest sense it would be the case but here is a problem that many says does not exist - they sell the services based on freight rates, not expediting rates and then one group competes with another internally for the work.


Seasoned Expediter
Yes , probably you are right. Usally loads going to Canada was a much better pay then USA, but for the lats months it not .......The FS have to be more because the fuel cost more in Canada, cross the boreder with a documents , then new ACE system and so other things it is not paying on off. For a crossing I things the company have to pay $100 - some time you have to go in X-ray , do full inspection of the dokuments and ext........time of the driver coust a money to.........The FS have to stay high and this automotive loads have to be pay very good to. So many drivers don't want to cross the bordier for notning............$$$$$$ every one have to get what deserve..........


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FECC has indicated that one of the reasons for the new dispatch system is to get canada loads covered quicker.(this tells me im not the only one who feels canada rates are a gyp)

in a normal functioning market should less avaible trucks for a run bring rates up?

so what's the delio
I'm not even at Fedex but I look and book many of loads. For every 10 loads, only 1 or 2 are that immediate that they need immediate answers in order to cover a load.
It is all about driving the rate down and eliminating any bargaining. They are banking on the new or nervous to snap up that cheap load. It is all about coverage at the cheapest price.
Ask yourself, how many loads are that immediate that seconds would be a deal breaker? Occasionally, but not many.

With regards to Canada, it depends on whether it is auto related most of the time. Cheap rate and FSC=auto load, or something related. Fuel, time, and border bs is too expensive to run in there without adequate revenue.
Even sending it to two or three trucks takes what.....15 minutes to a half hour at best?
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Veteran Expediter
im puzzled by what I see as a disfunctional market in frieght rates. It seems to me that whenever I get a load offer to canada it always pays less than a comperable run inside the states.

I was speaking with FECC the other day, when I was given different revenue (average) numbers for a Canadian, becuz they cross the border more often, and the numbers were higher.


Retired Expediter
I was speaking with FECC the other day, when I was given different revenue (average) numbers for a Canadian, becuz they cross the border more often, and the numbers were higher.

Ya know Pjjjj ...FDXCC would be a good gig if ya could get on with'd always be #1...Canadian trucks in the U.S are put to the top to bring them home and there aren't many Canadian trucks so you'd be #1 again for inter Canada runs...On the downside U.S. trucks would be first to come south.


Veteran Expediter
Canada has tended to be good for me - loads going in and coming out have both been good (paying) - the only real stinker I got was when I had been out for 5 weeks and was ready to come home - paid for fuel and put a few hundred in my pocket as well.

Dispatch just called and woke me up from my afternoon beauty sleep ..... Lansing, MI to somewhere's in Ontario .... :D