Rookie Expediter
Hello there EO community.
I have a question about the possibility of raising my trucks GVWR. Can you, through modification/suspension upgrade, have the GVWR of your truck legally raised ? Possibly adding a tag axle or upgrading the suspension, changing the rear, or front axle assembly. I know you can change, build, modify, wrecks, salvage vehicles, or many modified performance vehicles outside the realm of their originally constructed platform; and with big trucks, they stretch and cut frames and such, so I would like to know if what I'm asking is possible ? Thank you
I have a question about the possibility of raising my trucks GVWR. Can you, through modification/suspension upgrade, have the GVWR of your truck legally raised ? Possibly adding a tag axle or upgrading the suspension, changing the rear, or front axle assembly. I know you can change, build, modify, wrecks, salvage vehicles, or many modified performance vehicles outside the realm of their originally constructed platform; and with big trucks, they stretch and cut frames and such, so I would like to know if what I'm asking is possible ? Thank you