I have some close friends who have TVAL trucks with FECC and they have trouble finding drivers because their empty trucks are not California eligible. These friends are drivers themselves and they are very considerate of their drivers. What puzzles me is why all these drivers want to go to California. I am 71 and I am a California native (which I humbly admit , went to school K-12 there and spent quite some time there in the U S Navy; however, I prefer to live elsewhere. As far as business is concerned other than being a nice long run I don't see the advantages. Fuel is expensive, they have more than their fair share of crazy drivers, old freeways with short or non existent on ramps. You end up with a bunch of short runs during daylight hours while waiting a load back to the real world. Parking?? I always thought Ontario was an armpit. I guess the truck stops to the north are a little better but I seen the trucks they have in the Midwest ,south ,northeast, etc. gross more than their California trucks. I guess sometimes you deadhead out to Reno or Las Vegas. Anyway can someone enlighten this old guy