Miko, I was a P and D Contractor (Pick up and delivery) for Fed Ex Ground, for 3 years, out of the Detroit terminal.
I got out because (as somebody already suggested) they have too much control over you.
I can tell you anything you need to know- to start with, the weekly deduction for the scanner, truck washes, etc is called the Business Support Package, and that was 55.00 a week. I cant remember how much they charged for insurance, but I am thinking right around that amount as well. Regarding the insurance, every year that I was with them, we got a substansial kickback from the insurance company (about 500.00) if the terminal did well as a whole, and if you did not personally have any accidents.
To be completely honest with you, that 109,000.00 a year sounds very off, to be quite honest. I believe we are talking about Fed Ex Ground, correct? If not, then it is Home Delivery- In my experience, the Ground guys made more than the Home Delivery guys.
Anyways, getting back to the "Buying a Route" issue- During my three year tenure at the Detroit terminal, I heard that term used many a time, but generally, it meant nothing more than a person coming in and taking over a route, and taking over any truck payment that the contractor had, on his truck.
Now, if his truck was paid off, that is another story, but unless that terminal is in some area where the unemployment rate is super super high, there is no real money being exchanged for the "purchase" of a route.
When I was there, the turn over rate was probably a couple a month- so if you wanted to work for them, it was only a matter of a month or two to get in, as long as you were qualified.
When at Fed Ex Ground, I had one of the top three routes in the entire terminal. I ran the Grosse Pointe areas- this is where your Bill Fords, Edsel family members, Art Van (Elsander), many players from the pro teams, etc. lived. I did an average of 125 stops/pick ups a day, and dumped around 200 packages. My yearly income was between 80- 90,000.00
If this person is claiming 109,000.00 I would be definately asking for pay stubs, because the logistics of that number, would be more than a human being could actually do.
Anyways, just a little food for thought. PM me, or I will keep an eye on the thread, should you have any other questions.