I'm looking to buy LLC or Inc. business entity with active MC/DOT number.
A company will be transferred with no money or bank account - only entity - through a Bill of Sale Agreement.
MC/DOT number must be on the name of this company and will be transferred with an entity. No obligations after transfer.
All I need is at least 1 year of clean records.
You don't need to offer your priceless companies for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I'm looking for a recently established or very old but unused MC/DOT.
I'm a real buyer.
A company will be transferred with no money or bank account - only entity - through a Bill of Sale Agreement.
MC/DOT number must be on the name of this company and will be transferred with an entity. No obligations after transfer.
All I need is at least 1 year of clean records.
You don't need to offer your priceless companies for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I'm looking for a recently established or very old but unused MC/DOT.
I'm a real buyer.