Guess I'll chime in now...with my near 10 years experience in this biz....
Things have changed since I've entered the fray that is for sure..there was a time a caveman could do this....(I mean just look at Turtle..

It is said the learning curve ALWAYS takes a turn thru the wallet..and that is certainly true...
I know in these difficult economic times having a bankroll is near impossible....for a lot expediting is their desperate grasp to employment.
TOTAL commitment is needed...I've seen guys with a bankroll still wash out..they just did not get it...they expected things to be fair and just out is will get screwed with(whether real or perceived), no matter what carrier you finally live with what you can handle on the BS meter.
You are going to feel pressure from all, carrier and most importantly'll need a lot of inner fortitude.
I'd concur with my esteemed colleagues...and go with the used van first....IF you can afford to do this?
Driving for a fleet owner the chances of it tasting sour is great...and you won't make a lot as was said...Besides you won't have the challenge of having something to lose and the motivation is not there to stick it out.
Good Luck on whichever way you chose...
Ken aka OVM...