Broke in Texas


Seasoned Expediter
Ok here is the deal. I have been driving for about 3 1/2 years all OTR with hazmat doubles and tanker. The last 2 1/2 years have been with Averitt Express and 2 months ago I transferred from OTR to local but I just cannot seem to make good money no matter how hard I work. I want to get into this but I am broke and my credit is shot due to me being broke. How can I get my hands on a good truck without loosing my shirt in a lease? I live in the Houston Texas area and I would like to run west. I have no criminal record. I have never had an accident and I have not had a moving violation in 7 years. I don't really want to drive for an O/O, I want my own truck. I just know that if I could get my hands on a good truck I could make money. The only problem is that I have nothing in the bank. I live paycheck to paycheck.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
With no credit,no money to put into a down payment I see no way for you to own your own truck unless you have a generous relative that is willing to purchase or finance a truck for you.

Your best bet is to find an o/o and run for him for a couple of years,be frugal ,build up your credit and save for a downpayment.

Running west for a single driver in the expediting industry is not very feasible due to the HOS rules and the 14 hour clock rule.Expediting is what it is,generally most trips require a straight through trip from the pick up location to the delivery. You would do much better running in the midwest and the east as the distance between the major cities in the west would prevent you from getting most trips. Hope this isn't too pessamistic, you can succeed with some determination.

Question,I know a driver who runs Cracker Barrel trips for Avertt and is quite happy and making decent money.He is on the road 4 days a week and home for 3. Maybe you should rexamine Avertt and try to bid on some dedicated trips then build up your credit and finances.


Seasoned Expediter
Yeah, I also see no way for me to get a truck. I guess I just had to hear someone else say it. As far as transferring, it took me 2 years to transfer from OTR to Local just to find out that it sucks. Now I have to wait another year before I can transfer again unless I want to go back to OTR. They will let anybody go to OTR at any time because they cannot keep anybody in OTR because nobody can get any miles there. Everybody wants dedicated like that guy you know has but those positions are few and far in-between. I don't know what I am going to do but I need to do something. I am getting burnt out fast. I was thinking about getting out of trucking all together and getting into the AC business.


Veteran Expediter
If you want to get your own truck,there are some owners that will do a lease purchase in the expedite business.
To survive in this business,you would need to run team,as 95% of our freight is straight thru delivery,and the HOS rule would not permit you to make enough money to pay the bills,running solo,although,some do it,the income is so much better with a team opertion.
I'm sure all the expedited companies have owners looking for drivers,and the best way to learn this business,would be to drive with an owner,then you can go from there.
Hope this is some help


Veteran Expediter
Steve, do you really reccomended this type of purchase. Have enough people come back on this site with complaints on how someone did not live up to there end of the bargin.

Right now as I write this I know of TWO LAWSUITES going on due to this exact situation. Why make a bad situation worst. At least now the person has a decent job and might be able to save some $.

Not all are cheats, but this drive with option to buy. Well just to many things can go wrong unless the truck is already paid for, otherwise the bank has the final say and if owner stops making payments and buyer is paying well you see where I am going, buyer is always gona be the looser unless everything goes just peachy. Which is RARE.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Drive for an owner and then if you really want to take the plunge, then do it. With your own saved money. Alot of these other plans go south if the cards don't fall just right.
As in any business..........minumize the risks, not increase them.

22 years
EO moderator