in case you didn't know,most of your pharmaceutical loads come from supply chain
They also don't seem to know that a lot of the freight they haul gets pushed through the pipeline by Freight, Express and even Trade Networks. Intake doesn't seem to happen within CC at all in a lot of cases.
Most of the CC people seem to think there is a group of dedicated sales people who are pushing the service but that's not the case. Freight is where the sales seems to happen, not CC.
Supply Chain handles a lot more than you would think, they are more like WG than WG is to CC ground.
You know, maybe it is the warehousing thing that you are talking about Steve?
FedEx is moving to be more diversified and tie up more customer's assets by providing warehousing space - big money if it is done right. I can see it happen within Freight division, but again I also see a few more things happening so they will cut operating costs.